>here's your Batman bro
Here's your Batman bro
God I want him to rail me
Quarantine is rough :/
Yeah, I can totally see this guy being able to beat up criminals every night
its gunna be based
How do you go from this to
He can literally just run a cycle of testosterone or anavar, this is hollywood.
He's never been ripped his whole life.
Don't think he really wants to get that ripped, just seeing how he's always just stayed skinny or cut.
Unless he wants to negotiate staying litty as part of his contract or some shit.
No high t. director at the helm
>that jawline
Fatman, disgusting fridge
>matching socks and shoes
Would this comedian make a better Batman actor?
Holy fucking based Zack.
Can’t go back to small Batman. The extra height on Affleck added a lot more than I thought it would.
Pattinson is going to make Batman kino the same way Joaquin made Joker kino.
Whats in his backpack and why does he need it to go running?
why are you posting yourself on Yas Forums tubby
I wouldn't expect him to be a lanklet
It isn't me, it's an Israeli comedian who is mostly confined to short films, for now, but maybe he might break into Hollywood some day.
>crossfit plates
it's not even 3pl8, what a fucking poser
Is that the fucking CCP insignia on his arm
holy shit he is built like me. oh dear.
Well maybe you can start posting him when that happens
judging by his shoes, he's not really out with the intention of jogging
>it’s an Israeli
No wonder he looks like shit
What do you think, could he do a good Batman if shaved, and maybe some weight loss?
Miring that jawline. I'm doing a bulk right now but am look forward to the cut. Tired of the fat on my chest, my jawline being less defined, etc.
>Yeah, I can totally see this guy being able to beat up criminals every night
>crossfit plates
You mean bumper plates, rookie?
man, I miss being able to go for a run like that, this quarantine is fucking me up
Batman is an outdated concept from the 1940s that isn't remotely appropriate in the Modern Age. A guy in a clown suit running around punching bank robbers.
Nigga what. I live in NYC and everyone’s jogging around all the time like there’s a marathon coming up
Same, I managed to get good results in 2 years of running but now it's already one month of no training at all
you're allowed to go for a jog dumbhead
Very unlikely, Snyder is pretty nationalistic. He tries to put as much right wing shit he can get away with.
Unsurprisingly the theatrical version of Watchmen cuts out like 7 seconds of a scene because it says,
Newsstand guy: No the New frontiersman is not in yet, why do you care about that right wing garbage?
To Rorshac which is funny, because the comic is written by an extreme lefty and the movie portrays Rorshac as the righteous one. The scene is right before Dreiberg and Jupiter walk iinto the alley of topknots.
Another is when they finish up in that alley they skip the tilt from top of the billboard, says something like "New Frontiersman; Cause you know it's gotta be right! Wing" the wing part is tagged in. 1 last unnecessary edit was when they rescue the people trapped in the apartment building. The little girl asks her mother if the man in the ship is Jesus.
Oddly just taken out of the theatrical, those just really ate up about 5 seconds each.
Back to the topic, yeah doubt he has some commie shit on there. Should be obvious once you see his action sequences that involve military, tries to keep it legitimate, aside from actual actors.