/who/ - Doctor Who general

showruiner edition


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Zagreus sits inside your head,
Zagreus lives among the dead,
Zagreus sees you in your bed,
And eats you when you're sleeping.

Zagreus at the end of days,
Zagreus lies all other ways,
Zagreus comes when time's a maze,
And all of history is weeping.

Zagreus taking time apart,
Zagreus fears the hero heart,
Zagreus seeks the final part,
The reward that he is reaping.

Zagreus sings when all is lost,
Zagreus takes all those he's crossed,
Zagreus wins and all it cost,
The hero's hearts he's keeping.

Zagreus seeks the hero's ship,
Zagreus needs the web to rip,
Zagreus sups time at a drip,
And life aside, he's sweeping.

Zagreus waits at the end of the world,
For Zagreus is the end of the world.
His time is the end of time,
And his moment time's undoing.

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where do you pirate big finish stuff from? the only torrents i can find have no seeders. is there a mega or something?


thanks user

>muh end of the world
FUCK Zagreus

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Petet Basedison

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Who did it better?



>Why yes Zagreus is my favorite Doctor who story. How could you tell?

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Exhausted Supplies, a fan made production, is one of the best pieces of fan work out there at all. It's as good as Big Finish except it's got a Nine who sounds like Nine and a Twelve. Twelve bounces between sounding like Twelve and sounding like someone doing a good impression of Twelve. The other voice actors are pretty fucking good, too

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Murray Gold obviously, it has gravitas.

>one is born with a cold and unfriendly exterior but is gradually revealed to have a gentle heart
>the other is outwardly friendly and pleasant but over time starts showing a lack of care and general detachment from the world
>one does whatever it takes to accomplish what is right or kind, because it saves lives, no matter the personal or moral cost
>the other is hesitant and passive, both out of fear and out of a desire to retain moral superiority
>one is ready to bear the burden of being a murderer as long as it keeps innocent people safe
>the other is willing to let monsters walk free because killing isn't nice
>one is willing to go through absolute hell just for a chance to reunite with loved ones
>the other develops terminal autism when a friend tries to talk about cancer
Chibnall actually reversed the twelfth Doctor to create the abomination that is 13. Astounding.

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It would be kino if it wasn't accidental

None of the episodes after somewhere during series 6 have any kind of value beyond the first watch, except Heaven Sent, and these tweetalongs will prove that. This is the only truth

I've never actually considered this but holy shit you might be right? Unless Emily has something else planned but I doubt it

what happened backstage in S1? is it true Chris got hit with a flying flaming sofa in the face?

Just think about it, is there any actual episode in 11th era that is as memorable and as emotionally investing as Vincent and the Doctor, nevermind some of the older nuwho episodes, after series 5?

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>nothing trash vs soul

Is this even a question?

You know honestly I saw Seasons 1-10.
And I remember 1-4 much more than I remember 5-10 despite the latter being more recent.

TARDIS? More like RETARDIS, am I right?

To be fair, there was a tweetalong for The Doctor's Wife iirc, but I didn't participate because I'm not necessarily fond of that episode all that much. But if we go by your logic, it had some kind of value

let's kill hitler was very emotional with river song's ark

And to my previous point , I personally think either Mummy on the Orient Express or Flatline would make for a fun watchalong. Imagine if they'd get Jenna to tweet out using the Lockdown account

i never felt that way, out of all the longer running 'companions' in the moffat era i was emotionally invested into her the least, and i got the feeling the doctor had the same problem

Because nuwho is stubbornly repetitive and as soon as wild single episode ideas well dried out after some time audience was left with nothing that they couldn't see be done better in other shows

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I was tempted to mention those two, but when looking back at episodes like Father's Day, Girl in the Fireplace, Human Nature, etc, they really don't have the punch that comes after the interesting concept they present to us

>Implying all of who doesn't have this problem

i thought a christmas carol was similar

Apparently some extra got injured and he got really pissed off about the lack of a serious response to it. May have been during Aliens of London/World War Three as he hated the director on that story.

He also hated John Barrowman.

Oldwho at least went through wildly different styles at least until 5th Doctor. Historical/educational stuff with 1st, more classic sci-fi/horror with 2nd, Bond like military invasion of Earth stories with 3rd, and some gothic themes with 4th. Show picked up again with 7th and more interesting companion dynamic but it was too late by then

It was the flaming sofa incident in Rose (same director).

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>Hung stylish man degrades and fucks his twink son-in-law

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But how long... will I have to post here?


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I really wanted to name my doctor who podcast that but the cohosts wouldnt let me