Most underrated adult swim of all time?

Most underrated adult swim of all time?

Attached: xavier.jpg (584x329, 78.92K)

Is this

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I've watched 3 episodes of this today. It probably is underrated.
Nowhere near as good. The pilot is kino but Season 1 was really dark and not very funny.


That isn't Rick and Morty

I think you mean overrated

Whenever Uzumaki comes out

Attached: uzumaki.jpg (1200x627, 99.92K)

XRA is unironically the funniest animated show I've watched beside ATHF.

I went to Burning Person this year?

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This and Metalacolypse

nah, it's reputation has been increasing lately. XRA has a few real gems, but a lot of it was hit and miss

the real underrated AS show is the Brak Show

>I thought it'd be funny to watch a baby shoot a priest
Criminally underrated.

At least on this forum.

The Brak Show pains me to watch for some reason.
I get the jokes, and it CAN be quite clever. Just none of it makes me laugh, only gives me a headache.

I for one look forward to being able to marathon the whole adult swim catalog on hbomax with no commercials in a month.

Now THIS is underrated since people forget about it.

Xavier is great, though.

Get on my level nigga, I've got a 100+ hour VLC media playlist filled with AS shows from my Hard drive. It has:
>Home Movies
>Aqua Teen
>Harvey Birdman
>Xavier: Renegade Angel
>Space Ghost: Coast to Coast
>Garth Marenghi's Darkplace

Shuffled it and had it playing in the background all day. Better than streaming or cable and 100% free.

No Venture Bros.? You're a faggot dude.

the virgin xavier


Attached: squidbillies.jpg (300x300, 32K)

Unfunny shit meant for atheist pseuds to chortle to

Not underrated.
Never go full retard.

Do you take me for a pleb boy?

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And I'll post, until the jannies' red in the face, posting sneed all over the place!

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The pride I feel for finally fingering my father's killer is dampened only by the fact that I promised to kill my father's killer. I fingered myself to death.

>Who did this to you?
>Our son
>I know it was arson, but who's responsible.

XRA gets a lot of props though, pic related has been lost to the sands of time

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I don't think any of you know what underrated means when it comes to Adult Swim. You would have to go with something like pic related or Lucy Daughter of the Devil or Stroker and Hoop

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Drinky Crow is absolutely based, incredibly funny show that never got a Season 2 because Superjail was too big.
This show sucks. Not because of the racism, it's just really lame and boring.


I just want Metalocalypse Season 5

A lot of people who don't lurk Yas Forums say the show is bad because it's racist.

You need to go back.