Best medieval kino of the last decade coming through. Reading about the actual battle of Agincourt and what Shakespeare wrote about it just made me love it even more.
Another reason never to trust this board.
Best medieval kino of the last decade coming through. Reading about the actual battle of Agincourt and what Shakespeare wrote about it just made me love it even more.
Another reason never to trust this board.
outlaw king is 10 times better in every aspect
It's a cool movie, it's certainly not kino
Dropped the ball hard with horrible armor and battle tactics.
I liked both. But yeah it is better. The Scottish struggle is easier to sympathise with
It's a relentless rape of Henry V.
>falstaff played by joel edgerton
>is a cunning political and military advisor
>not fat
Few characters of the theatre have been this thoroughly destroyed by film.
nah it's good though
It's both a lousy adaption of Shakespeare and a lousy adaption of the historical record. The costumes are shit and the performances cold and alien.
>that shitty "serious film guys" filter
It's a fictionalized version of a fictionalized version, it does it's own thing. I love it.
Outlaw King is great, too, but I actually liked The King more. It had more emotional depth, it was a much better drama. And I loved their interpretation of what medieval fighting might have looked like, full contact, full force, like modern MMA. It also had the better acting, everyone was great in it. The only remarkable actor in Outlaw King is Florence Pugh.
The way Outlaw King portrayed Robert the Bruce felt over the top, which doesn't drag the movie down or anything, but The King felt a lot more serious.
Who gives a shit. It was still miles ahead of other shit like Braveheart. Most movies have their own ways of interpreting things, I liked theirs.
it's anglo propaganda. it's like watching a gangbang on but the petite white chick is what actually happened.
what do you mean
>It had more emotional depth
It had the emotional depth of an autistic child screeching into the void. It was a by the numbers 'the demands of politics' story but with a poor choice for its vessel.
Even if that's true, it still had a lot, lot more emotional depth than Outlaw King. Which had absolutely none.
>Cast a Jewish twink as one of England's greatest warrior Kings
That ruined it for me.
So you think Henry V was a bodybuilder?
Henry V was 6'3.
It was fine for a fun little watch when bored but at the end of the day it’s 2 rookie actors in a B movie. Calm down.
>It's a relentless rape of Henry V.
I want to rape Henry V relentlessly
He’s a big guy
almost everyone in it did an exceptionally good job at acting, even that annoying daughter of johnny depp, which i absolutely did not expect. they were very well cast for their roles, no matter what people cry on about henry v not looking like GI Joe
Also, either way, it's still the best medieval drama of the last decade. As there have been almost none.
That shit was pleb-tier trash.
Rat-faced kike
Joel Edgerton stole the show.
it was a simple movie with very clear cut good and bad, and the most simple motives throughout the whole film. it was still pretty entertaining. but i think the king is on a completely different level in every aspect
Just like The King
not really
any fight against the English is easy to sympathize with.
Yes really. Both are mediocre. Chalamet is piss poor actor, Pattinson was only good thing about The King. I liked how the forgot to put all the colour in. Medieval armors werent like those in The King. They were fucking colourful. The film is also shot on digital with that shitty gray filter that is supposed to make it look gritty. It just look like shit. Saying that Outlaw King is shit while praising The King shows that you are an idiot and dont watch that many films.
People poke at the armor, inaccuracies etc.
When are people going to see that the movie is about the transformation of a man who could give a shit less into a twisted manipulated war monger, just like every other king. Difference is, this king didn't stand for it.
I swear, reading between the lines of things and overlooking sets etc used to be a requirement going to the movies. You can pick apart Alien, Godfather etc etc all day and find some pretty glaring flaws. Stop picking shit apart and start enjoying true kino.
Reminder that the extended cut of Outlaw King which adds back in all the character development and emotional depth will never come out because the director is insecure that it got booed at a festival
There's zero character development or depth in outlaw king, the dc must have been a completely different movie
>Prince of Whales
>Dolphin of France
Can someone explain this to me?
Who /warwolf/ here?
welsh are fat.
french are sex pests.
>dolphin of France
Dophin actually is the French word for Dolphin.