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shit bro that sucks

so what does the pill actually do?

Guarantees you eternal damnation in Hell.
Pray for them.

Ask your mom.

>Somehow, AIDS has returned

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Hahaha,goteeeeem! He just had it done did it to him.

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>met up with some roastie on tinder when I was a couple of cities away from home on business
>she let me hit it raw and nut inside
>went back home a few days later and forgot about her
>she messages me saying that she wasn't on the pill and could be pregnant
>immediately unmatch and block her
>never gave her my real name and don't have any social media profiles she can track me down on

Am I fucked bros? This was like a month ago and I'm still paranoid as hell.

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>for kings, queens and all royals in between

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>scientists make cure for aids
>fags take this as a sign to have as much degenerate, unprotected butt sex as possible
>the ensuing worldwide gay orgy creates a strain of super AIDS that is resistant to Truvada

pottery. is AIDS /ourdisease/?

>Am I fucked bros?
Only if she actually babytraps you.

This pill is getting sued because people who took it are dying lol. Theres commercials with lawyers already getting peoples collectiin money from big pharma.

>blood donation clinics don't permit gays to donate
>gays complain it's not fair
>red cross has to explain anal sex is objectively far more dangerous for any kind of disease transmitted through blood
>gays seriously expect clinics to waste thousands of work hours extracting blood that they have test and then throw away, giving out cookies to all the homos to thank them for wasting their time

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Unless you were using hotel wifi you could be screwed

From what I can tell from the little I've been told, it tricks your body into thinking it's already pregnant so you don't have your menstrual cycle going on, which means you don't enter your fertility period of the month.

lol they just played the commercial as i was reading this

Truvada doesn't cure AIDS, it's nowhere near that potent.

>Not approved for those assigned female at birth

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well now thanks to china/rona they gotta test all the blood anyway so they are letting some fags and trannies donate

>This pill is getting sued because people who took it are dying lol.
Well yeah, you can't stop fags from fucking, if you designated a one mile zone in Russia where any homo sucking cock was shot by drones on sight ~70% of Western fags would book tickets to Russia just for the thrill of attempting to avoid death

Men can't get pregnant retard

Hasn't stopped me from trying ;)

They're antiretrovirals. It's very hard on the kidneys and liver.

it's what you deserve you normie faggot

pretty sure OP is talking about the pill that gives you boobs

How can normalfags be so heartless with their own blood?

The vast majority of normies are sociopaths

She's pretty cute. What's the rundown on this one?

Here you go,
Here's your nest shipment of pills - delivered.

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>she let me hit it raw and nut inside
get checked for STDs, the earlier you treat them the less likely they are to cause lasting damage. I gurantee you you weren't the only one fucking her without protection, she might even have been looking for a simp she can tie down because she already knew she was pregnant

Good. She's probably dating a white guy he doesn't want freaky niglets.

Women on the pill still bleed from their vaginas. Old habits die hard, huh?

>their own blood
if you blindly believe a slut you deserve what's coming for you. if something like that happens to you at least get a paternity test

>mfw Americans have ads for prescription medication on television
Literally why?

why delet

>get a paternity test
Yep, but the other guy just run away and blocked her, he didn't go through the whole thing.

>blood donation clinics don't permit gays to donate
So homophobic, this'll show them

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