He's right, you know

He's right, you know.

I know things have changed a little with streaming, but HBO is basically methodone for people who "love TV"

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What does HBO have to do with anything?

Still the best thing on tv though

wtf is prestige tv?

>still watching vince shit after vince openly admitted how much of a hack he is
>we write ourselves into corners on purpose for the fun of trying to make it out
>our stuff is completely meaningless genre shit shot as if it's contemplative and people buy that lmao

But he's officially Saul Goodman in the last episode of season four

>Another Twitter opinion thread
All of you that engage in this mediocrity need to fuck off.

I don't get it

The land of television is littered with shitty procedurals and other trash.
Feel free to watch NCIS:Kansas, the new new new Hawaii 5-0 or Real Housewives of

>It should have been
Criticism discarded

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Pretentious TV. Single camera, lots of padding to get an "epic" number of episodes, and faux-sophistication.

Someone had to say it

Yeah, what the fuck does this mean? Prestige it up?

That isn't trash, that's the art of television. Trash is when television pretends not to be trash.

>Why isn't the show SNL tier instead of being kino

Fucking twitter plebs i swear to christ.

I dont know who this guy is, but a brief look at his account makes it clear he just throws shit out there in an attempt for something to catch on and pull in the Twitter impressions. A few of his responses that I saw were just him replying with gifs to comments that agreed with him - I doubt he has watched much at all of the show, if any, and is just basing his take on comments he saw on reddit.

>not sophauxstication
You must be dull

Pretend it's high culture when it's teevee. Breaking Bad was the worst offender for this.

Intellectually and cinematographically dishonest and glib tv-making

>Why are tv people actually trying now?!

The hell

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>you dont get it
>its art BECAUSE its bad

>HBO is basically methodone for people who "love TV"

You know Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul are on AMC, right?

HBO is crack fucking cocaine, AMC is methodone.

He's too clever by half and slowly having a mental breakdown because of Bernie dropping out I think.

>trash TV is actually good TV because it knows it is trash and doesn't try to be anything but trash!

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Pleb status: filtered

Fucking hell, you TV lovers haven't even made it as far as auteurism, have you? Read Manny Farber on White Elephant Art vs. Termite Art.

I greatly preferred Better Call Saul when it had smaller plotlines like the Kettlemans. I really do hate how Mike and Breaking Bad prequel shit took center stage.

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dropped this show like hot garbage after that old fart mark or mike disarmed dr disrespect with some epic woo shoo gan kata bullsit and left him crying on the floor. cringeworthy bullshit. no regrets

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this it's just as stale as any other broadcast tv show but it has enough superficial fake artsy stuff that people think they are watching something better

He's wrong. Nobody wants to watch those stupid boomer TV shows anymore. That was the whole idea of breaking bad in the first place
