Cum Town

Just listened to Cum Town, did I like it?

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you enjoyed 2-3 moments very much but found the rest rather boring

stop shilling these 5'8 fags here you irony poisoned suburban twerp

Do people really pay to watch podcasters talk to each other?

I refuse to put an RSS Feed for something called Cum Town on my phone. Normies will see it and think I'm even weirder than I already am.


It's basically the three of them talking shit until a good joke comes out

When it does it's good, but until then it's
>nick talking over adam
>stavros singing something but changing the words so they're about sex
>assorted complaints about someone pulling the wires out of something
>noo yawk stuff

It's better to listen to clips of it imo

t. dasha

Adam is better off without D*sha

She's cute and all but she seems like a psycho

Plus on Red Scare she admitted to having had sex for money in the past (I think it was her, I can't tell her and Annas' voices apart)

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Nick is the only funny one, the other two are really just there to laugh at his jokes and fill time until he can think of a funny idea

Sounds gay

Nah stavros can be funny sometimes

Adam tends not to be though, he needs more confidence. Nick seems to be a full-on autist so he just steamrolls the other two whenever he can

>Red Scare get Bannon on and are too retarded to ask him any good questions
>Red Scare get Tulsi on and are too retarded to ask him any good questions
>Cumboys still talking about getting fucked in the ass and getting jerked off

Pretty based tbqh

No . This shit sucks

Actually heard them for the first time this week.
They were talking about Steven Seagal and his delusions in his movie roles. Shit was great.

Give me a quick rundown on where should I start with them. They makes for an excellent background entertainment.

There's no benefit to starting in any one place, for background noise I just pick episodes I haven't listened to all the way through from Cum Tube or Cum Angel or one of those channels
This guy is right though If you want quality humour and not just them rattling through an hour with maybe fifteen minutes of funny stuff in one-two minute chunks, just listen to clips
Also guest episodes are a crapshoot but when they're good they're great, mostly because having someone else there encourages Nick to actually try

Why is Nick so witty in conversation and so shockingly bad at standup. I've known quite a few people like this.

90% of Australian media is fucking terrible
t. australian

Dasha is ugly as fuck but I still want to fuck her for some reason

Attached: dasha.jpg (1800x2700, 405K)


She's super cute, what the fuck is wrong with you.

cumtown used to be good but they don't even try anymore. they don't have to because you paypig cucks keep giving them money. /r/cumtown was good content for a while but now it's as gay as the rest of reddit. i need a new friend simulator, or else the guts to kill myself already. might join the army.

>what if a retard posted on Yas Forums

stop shilling your garbage show here

A lot of guys witty in conversations are turbospergs like myself who practiced it for years. I used to have imaginary conversations and would come up with responses in Highschool. Eventually I got good enough were I didn't have to think about it. Seeing as how Nick can't even make eye contact when he's uncomfortable I'd bet something similar happened with him.

*mumbles and laughter*

Just make the switch to Matt and Shane like the rest of us who aren’t brain dead

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Nice try Nick, you're at most 5'5.

it's pretty funny, clips are great but usually the jokes impact more when they're within a full show. It's one of the few podacts that can get me laughing out loud

two indistinguishable faggots with no personaltiy

I don't like their live casts. Stav always feels like he's trying too hard and the whole thing feels like a set.

pic related more my style

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kek, thats actually what i did too

she's playing the cryptofash nicely