Incredibly overrated, creatively bankrupt and rustically charmless

The story of the movie is a typical old boring Jaws as everybody described it, except you're scared of pitch black labyrinths instead of the water. I would have enjoyed a movie about exploring an alien planet together with Sherlock Holmes/James Bond tier characters armed with interesting alien tech figuring out what happened. The space jockey had a hole in its chest, would had been nice to know where that alien headed off to. Would have been neat to meet a sentient alien that's actually interesting and had a striking design(Not Prometheus). John W. Campbell Jr. ' The Thing offered a much more mature, compelling scenario and an intelligent villain than Alien. Lily CAT did an amazing job with an alien bacteria that does 3 things in one.

Axiom Verge, Metroid, Lovecraft and many other sci-fi media did the claustrophobic atmosphere with moody music far better with far more creativity, content, structure/pacing. Ringworld/Halo did it better with a far better alien species and settings and weapons, Starship Troopers did the Vietnam war better again with more interesting and more powerful enemies, Deus Ex did the android better, System Shock did the stuck in a spaceship with a crazy AI better, Lily CAT did Alien far far better with the android and the monster and even characters. FF Spirits Within did the "they're coming out of the walls" better. Resident Evil has a better evil company and more diverse enemies, FEAR did it better, The Cave, Riddick, Starcraft, Half Life, Resident Evil, the list goes on.

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Alien/s did nothing with the concept. The alien does not do anything with the hosts' attributes it steals because it steals nothing, unlike The Thing, they almost did something in Alien 4 but it was too little. The alien instead of having a new form every time they meet everybody just copies its final benis head form and that's it. The Visitor game did the ever-evolving alien better. Everybody stop saying Ridley created Alien.

I repeat: John W. Campbell Jr. ' The Thing offered a much more mature, compelling scenario and an intelligent villain. The Thing's problem was its immature gore design, oh boy a bunch of flesh, heads, tongues, arms - aka a chimera sooo appealing, not. Giger's design is striking/compelling because think of The Lich, skeletons, gothic stuff from fantasy. Giger basically takes a medieval fantasy skeleton and gives it a modern twist, a sci-fi twist. Skeletons, ghosts, vampires, dinosaurs are cool/sleek/eloquent, Frankenstein/zombies aren't. Skeleton dinosaur aliens, that's striking and defining. Skeleton terminator robots, also striking.

Scenery I enjoy The Derelict's design and the skull alien design, sadly it's barely featured in the movie. I hate the boring blue grand canyon desert scenery of LV-426, I hate Hadley's Hope and I hate the white plastic of the Nostromo, they look incredibly generic and dull compared to The Derelict. They could be replaced by any other hospital and tech-ship looking thing. I often mistake Hadley's Hope and Nostromo's interiors for various other sci-fi ships and bases. The Star Trek's interior looked far more welcoming than Nostromo's hospital-like, mental ward-like walls. Indeed I prefer Star Trek and Star Wars' sceneries, effects, planets, starships n ship interiors.

An actual competent special ops team would laugh their butts off and dishonorably discharge every single one of these uneducated slobs. A bunch of actual charming people would give these characters class any time of the day. An actual overpowered and cunning James Bond-esque villain team would put the Weyland Yutani and alien hive on its knees, same for a James Bond hero team. Even the Magic The School Bus children are more competent, charming, interesting than these pathetic losers who can't do 1 thing right.

By the way I laugh my butt off all the time whenever they try to make Ripley look appealing both as a trustworthy friendly person and as having sex appeal. In all the Alien movies she looks like Michael Jackson and her attitude is grouchy and dazed with a typically annoying voice like everyother redneck billy bob around there. Hollywood's finest, a bunch of reject actors with a reject director who got lucky and couldn't find proper work anywhere else.

In conclusion many other franchises and single IPs did what Aliens attempted to do, but successfully. Only difference? None of them copied Giger's exact sci-fi steampunk goth design. That's it. Everybody's picky about the fact it isn't "Beksinski/Giger flavored".

Didn’t read lol

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Cool blog faggot

It's my Imdb review, and thank you faggot. It's very cool.

>Axiom Verge
Stopped reading right there. We are a stupid generation my friend, you can't deny this. See, I'm throwing myself into the trash too, just so you feel better.


50 meter tall ALIENS. DO NOT CALL ME MAD.

>zoomer faggot Yas Forums nigger thinks it's opinion matters

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>zoomer instead of zer/zenner
Go home to your toadpods, be a family man, Pepe.

Anything worth reading in OP's post, or no?

>this whole post

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No, it's garbage and OP is a faggot

Ty, fren


>three entire posts of meaningless word salad to say nothing more than you didn't "get it"

Honestly laughable that the artistry of Alien flew so far over your zoomer head.

Yeah, I put in all sorts of examples to better media than Alien. Also all the characters in Alien are underpowered, idiotballed and ugly like white MJ.

I'm a millenial !!, you fucking Gen-Zombie.

Zoomers are cancer and will only further perpetuate the downfall of America
A draft for war is the only way we can get America back to traditional values of life and bring back a society that thrives

Honestly both zoomers and boomers are shit. Millenials are where it's at but OP is supposedly a millenial so it turns out no matter what generation you hail from, you can be cancer.

mfw people get baited by this post

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It's not bait. There's this one fag who goes from thread to thread screaming charmless at properties.

>alright anons what are you waiting for, another /get/ thread?
>another glorious day on Yas Forums.
>day on Yas Forums is like a day on the farm.
>every dubs a Banquet.
>every (You) a Fortune.
>every shitpost a Parade.
>i love the Yas Forums!

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quite the plebeian opinion you got there, citizen

gotta be one stupid motherfucker lmao

i love alien but aliens is just the ultimate bastardization of the first kino that ultimately led to THE ultimated bastardization known as terminaror 2. fuck james cameroon

Nah, Aliens is the bastardization. T2 is a good sequel that didn't deter anything from the original.
>but muh action
The story flows well from the first film to the second.



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The first hour is unmatched sci fi horror kino.