Let me see. Red hair... vacant expressions... tatty second hand book... you must be the Weasleys

>Let me see. Red hair... vacant expressions... tatty second hand book... you must be the Weasleys.

woah this guy was kind of an asshole

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How do poor people exist in a world of magic?


Why do poor people exist in our world? Why can't they just print money?

Is the magic world so small that there's only one family with red hair?

He was just dabbing. He knew who they were, he had professional contacts with the father through the Ministry.

what is the weasley mom doing all day when propably everything can be automated with magic?

also was that a wig or did Jason Isaacs have to grow out and dye his hair?


It's not even a fiat currency issue, they can literally will any supply they need to existence. It's impossible to be poor in such a situation.

Same thing Western women do. Sitting on her ass complaining that she doesn't have enough time to sit on her ass.

The last red hair characters we will see on cinema.

The Weasleys recreate their house after it gets burned in the sixth movie likes it’s no big deal. What’s stopping them from using magic to make a giant house?

Good question.

facts don't care about your feelings

you're asking too many questions, just turn off your brain.

JK forgot the rules of her own made-up magic.

Rowling is a hack, she didn’t put much thought into her work. Harry Potter universe immediately falls apart when you actually think about it. Can’t think of another universe except maybe Star Wars that’s full of more retarded decisions and inconsistencies

holy shit you're right
If the books were adapted today they'd all be black

>automated with magic?
in the second movie you literally see that most things are automated but she probably sets things in order and takes care of things that cant be

>he probably sets things in order and takes care of things that cant be
Sounds like a five minute job.

In deathly hallows it was mentioned that wizards cannot conjure basic stuff such as food. There were 5 things which were restricted iirc

who r the weasles

You can't conjure food or gold, and while there's spells for everything, they all require different levels of skill/talent/concentration, which is why wizards who can "do it all" like Dumbledore and Voldemort are so rare

Most magic takes effort to maintain, permanent effects are usually very tricky to pull off and very expensive to have done - on a smaller scale, it's similar to why some racing brooms are so much better than others

Because the story was written for really dumb children

>You can't conjure food or gold,
why? And if you can't conjure gold specifically why not conjure platinum or diamonds and exchange it for currency or goods?

Vacuuming a 3 bedroom house takes about 20 minutes
Doing a load of laundry takes about 5 minutes of active participation
Cooking a family meal takes anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour

but you'll still hear about how maintaining a house is the hardest job ever and there's just not enough time in the day

>This absolute garbage explanation is the level of world building/damage control of the Pooter universe
It's so fucking shit. How did it get so popular? I'm not allowed to say Harry Potter is only average without five dickheads from my office crying.

>You can't conjure food
Dumbledore conjured up an entire feast for all the students of Hogwarts in the first film.

he just moved it from the kitchens which are full of little gobbo slaves

>>Let me see. Red hair... vacant expressions... tatty second hand book... you must be Irish catholic
whether knowingly or not this is what she meant

those things would propably be not worth that mutch then, right? maybe they revolved their money systems specifically around shit they can't create out of thin air

You could make this argument for any story involving magic

because it's magic, ain't gotta explain shit

conjured stuff does not last forever and can easily be detected by most adult wizards, let alone anyone who'd actually be looking to buy any of it

greedy goblins with hook noses control the money supply and have some sort of laws in place to stop people from making their own... hm. really makes you think

All of the food is prepared by house elves who pretty much work nonstop for each day's meals

the food is just teleported from the kitchen to the dining hall

>those things would propably be not worth that mutch then, right?
Except they are.
>maybe they revolved their money systems specifically around shit they can't create out of thin air
but they didn't