When was the last time a movie twist surprised you?

When was the last time a movie twist surprised you?

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Imagine those lips kissing the tip of a BBC.


Twists are for pleb morons who need something crazy to happen to keep their eyes on the screen rather than on their phone.

Saw 2, absolutely kino

Diabolique. Honestly surprised me.

The entire rest of it wasn't great, but the twist in 5 i think, where he could have just gotten in the box, felt more like the first movie.


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i liked the twist in The Lighthouse where it turned out it was just an average horror movie

but saw 1 had a better twist at the end


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Either Eastern Promises or Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Why do you keep posting this?

based brynnbro keeping up the tempo

I was surprised Hughes was killed off so quickly in FMA. He had way too much personality, I was expecting him to be series comic relief. Then again, talking about your loved ones constantly is a death sentence in early 2000s manga.

I have no earthly idea how but I'm the only one that went into the new Branagh Murder on the Orient Express not knowing the ending so I really enjoyed it.

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The ending twist in upgrade or whatever its called
The guy who got that chip implanted so he could walk again

very cute

I love acne ridden skin. Ugly girls are so hot.

This webm makes me happy.

Upgrade. Pulled a double twist. Saw the first one coming a mile away and thought I was smart. Then they pull the rug out from under you.

Whos this white girl? Im in love

she's a trump supporter

>horror movie
pick on, fucktard

Fucking this
I was already halfway trough my first aaaaw not this shit again when it happened

That's a child


Prove it

Not so much a twist but Mark Ruffalo getting shot in Foxcatcher. I didn't know the story and genuinely didn't see it coming.