Socrates was a degenerate nigger Jew trying to subvert traditional Hellenic society for Zion...

Socrates was a degenerate nigger Jew trying to subvert traditional Hellenic society for Zion. Plato was a reality detached decadent boomer white liberal that bought his bullshit, and normalized the deconstructions. Aristotle was a zoomer that got redpilled about Plato’s cucked basedboy bullshit and was pushed out to the fringes of Macedonia for going against the Zionist establishment. Alexander the Great is the generation which the Zoomers will educate which will once again bring about the glory of the aryan race, defeating the hordes of niggers, slaying the kikes, and conquering the current world order, bringing about a new heroic classical age.

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kino for this feel?


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I bet you’re an INFJ faggot

Based but insecure


Socrates wasn't a real person. He was inside joke among ancient greek writers started by Plato.

Holy fucking based

I'll eat my own shit if OP has ever actually read any Plato or Aristotle

Not bad

how can i become stoic? do i have to love baby Yoda?

intp actually

Attached: intp masterrace2.png (1423x1296, 325.6K)

It helps

intp masterrace
I haven't read Aristotle but I've read The Republic and The Symposium.

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Intp is based

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Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 6 months: 6 MONTHS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to sylveon or whatever gay shit you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're "epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use Yas Forums). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn...

insecure how?

PS Socrates actually fought in the Peloponnesian War and was recognized for outstanding valor for protecting a wounded fellow soldier.


cry harder leftypol, your raids are trash

Honestly, the Romans made a big mistake not killing all of the kikes after destroying the Second Temple.

Attached: kike_gets_btfo_by_aryan.jpg (588x426, 44.14K)

>reespoct da twoops
kys bootlicker

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Nice schizo buzzwordsalad, you fucking newfaggot.

actual yikes

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more like outstanding valor protecting Israel

Alexander was a psychotic homosexual midget with many chronic health issues who took pointless risks and got most of his own army killed in the desert for fuck all and wasted so much time and resources putting down rebellions in the most violent and brutal way possible, thus ensuring they would continue because he couldn't think of any other way to do it. Protip: you need to be nice to the ordinary people so they come to your side and don't support the rebellions. He liked murder though so he would never do that. He also put his gay lovers in positions of power even when they were incompetent.

His army succeeded in spite of him, not because of him. And this is because it was unique at the time in many way and for the time, incredibly sophisticated in how it fought and logistical capability, and the man responsible for this is Phillip, not Alexander.

Alexander squandered his fathers achievements in vainglorious attempts to conquer the world, and then he died and all of his conquests fell apart because he was a bad ruler while alive.

Phillip The Great not Alexander The Gay, okthankyou.

This is such a pileup of sloganeering that I can't work out what the joke is supposed to be.

Dangerously BASED.

Were there even Jews in ancient Greece? When did the Moses live even?

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Haven’t seen this pasta before. How it catches on user

and Diogenes was just trying to fuck dogs

(pic unrelated)

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Unironically according to Tacitus at least, Jews lived on crete during the time of the Titans, and still to this day worship Saturn (Kronos).

yeah but he was a fag

>Plato was a reality detached
that's rich coming from a brainlet