What will you do when Hollywood inevitably makes a movie about Murican doctors saving people from Corona...

What will you do when Hollywood inevitably makes a movie about Murican doctors saving people from Corona? Because you know that's what will fucking happen.

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what other country is going to be portrayed saving the world? What other country matters?

why are there 2 men in this picture? we all know its the women demanding a pat on the back for doing their over paid union jobs.

probably watch that chick that makes youtube videos about angela anaconda like i do every day

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No fucking way this is real...

Obviously not the one that has the most deaths

how the fuck..

I can see it already
Benedict Cumberbatch because why not
It Ain’t Me Starts Playing
Shitty romantic subplots
It addresses a lot of serious American problems like obesity but it’ll be played for laughs so nobody takes it seriously outside of this board
A lot of doctor propaganda that doesn’t address overpricing despite the fact that most medication you buy in America is overpriced to the point it’s not even funny
A lot of public backlash in the internet but idiots will give it a box office record anyway because it’s “powerful”
And the major theme is “America, fuck yeah”

No way this is real

Oh man, I have a treat for you.

Name the movie

>American doctors saving people from Corona
They are? Then why the fuck is their death rate so high?

>Obviously not the one that has the most deaths

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Seven Months in the Bed

Shut up bigot.

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Europe is the continent that has the most international visitors of the world (combined) and the oldest population, we were fucked from the start

That's basically what Contagion is.

I'll go D-D-DEEPER

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Americans are embarrassing


So that's how the epic showdown between protesters and "doctors" went

The blacks are probably going to really shitty MLK Hospitals too. You know the ones where the nurses don't give a fuck if you're crying from horrific pain.

Let's see you host this site in your own country for five minutes before it's classified a hate crime and all posters' IPs are surrendered to the police
Until then you lick my balls, Sunny Jim


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Compared to what?

No one cares

kek based


>the capital of Europe
>is most fucked

says the dude who pays for a TV license

>Europe is a country

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>Americans are most embarrassing to Americans
Probably because everybody outside of America are non-entities.

>Europe is a country
Amerimutt education

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>EU court
>EU laws
>EU parliament
>EU president
>EU anthem
>EU borders
>currently in process of creating EU army
>national laws are bellow EU laws
>i-i-it's just a trade pact, bigot bro

Nothing like a cope of a vassal non-country

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Not watch it or maybe I will pirate it if it is talked a lot here and to see the propaganda in it and get some laughs too. But now that I think about it maybe I won't be able to stand the cringe so I won't be able to even watch it for that.

kek I reckon the vast majority of people they're treating who aren't boomers are unhealthy migrants
made me think

After the economic clusterfuck that will come, any projects Merkel had for her EU superstate will be foiled.

>le merkel