Kaos: The new Netflix series about Greek and Roman mythology

"This genre-bending series puts a modern twist on Greek and Roman mythology, exploring themes of gender politics, power, and life in the underworld"

Are you excited Yas Forums????? Mythology kino is back on the menu.


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>gender politics


No Yas Forums answers please and thank you

>modern twist
Yeah, I'm good. Call back when it's actual mythology.


>finally more kino about greek mythology
>its completely pozzed
Saddened but not surprised

Sounds gayer than the actual ancient Greeks

>modern twist
>gender politics

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bet the fags won't even have the balls to tackle pederasty

Cast him.

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Oh they're tackling pederasty all right if you know what I mean.

no thanks, I'll stay with books only

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whatever male god they portray as good

Why don't they make a series with actual Greek mythology? Why push modern issues into it?


there was a nightclub here called Kaos. They were paying marshmello 250k a week. They went bankrupt

They can’t write anything else. They don’t know it. I live in pozzed central and many women here won’t even read a book if it’s written by a man.

because the agenda is more important than the story they're trying to tell, that's why it's consistent across all Netflix shows.


>gender politics

Yup, that's gonna be a yikes from me

>Live in pozzed central

>modern twist on Greek and Roman mythology, exploring themes of gender politics
Incels need to stop shooting up schools and start hitting up Hollywood production studios and executive offices

>gender politics
>most likely full of negros
garbage from the start, when the last time Netflix made a good tv show without propaganda, faggots, trannies etc? 5 years ago ?

>gender politics
I wonder what it's like to filter everything through your sexuality... that's such a weird mindset.

west and east coasts

>when the last time Netflix made a good tv show without propaganda, faggots, trannies etc? 5 years ago ?
Before George Soros and the Obamas aquired large stakes in the company that seems to be strangely unaffected by $2 bln debt raises

Only thing that bothers me is their spelling of Chaos. χαός not καός.

You're all otherwise wrong about griping about gender politics. Those are actually featured in a number of Greek myths.

Since this series is a British production, I can hope that it's not as pozzed as we think it is.
Also if will Yas Forums celebrate if the cast has no black person? Because I don't see how a black person can be cast into this show except as a slave or a god from a foreign pantheon.

Here's a much better take on Greek mythology.

Ethiopians are ever present in Greek myths.

>Since this series is a British production, I can hope that it's not as pozzed as we think it is.

I wonder who could be directing and producing...

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name them

I seem to recall the entirety of the Trojan War being caused by a few goddesses debating who was the prettiest girl and them getting jealous of each other's looks, but maybe you know something I don't. Which female heroes from greek mythology do you think will feature? Oh...

>Only thing that bothers me is their spelling of Chaos. χαός not καός.

Is that what the title is supposed to mean? I considered the possibility but then decided it was too retarded and there had to be another explanation.

Wow thanks for the tidbit you huge faggot

going to take a shot in the dark and say that it will not feature any gods raping mortals, gods demanding innocent people be sacrificed, or greek mortal men raping little boys

lads am I gay if I'm fine with male fucking in my greek kino but repulsed when females do it?

If we're talking Trojan War with warriors: Penthesilea. The entire amazon army shows up in the Epic Cycle.

Even beyond that Euripides wrote several plays concerning women of the war: Trojan Women and Hecuba.

I'm also looking at myths beyond the Epic Cycle, i.e. Arachne and Athena.

Fine I'll grant them the artistic decision. But I hate when people misuse Greek.

you gay.

I feel bad for them that they have nothing of real substance in thier lives

>British production
Guaranteed to be fucked with

>Are you excited Yas Forums?????
lmao no


>puts a modern twist
>modern twist
Yeah just how I like my ancient Greek gender politics. Modern

Fpbp eternally