Fox to layoff 30% of workforce


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Aren't they owned by Disney now anyways?





Conservatives getting what they deserve lmao


That's a lot of bleach drinkers.

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Well, I'm fucked.


Admirable effort.

Well, I'm screwed.

I bet they cancel a few shows I like.

Name one show that Fox is currently producing right now that you give a shit about.
I can think of Fargo but even though I like it, I don't really want anymore.

Fargo is produced by FX, which is owned by Disney. The New Fox owns Fox TV channel, Fox Sports, Fox News, and some shows running on Fox TV.

The entirety of Animation Domination (minus bless the harts)

who the fuck cares

The Simpsons, Family Guy and yes, Bob's Burgers are all far pass their prime. They need to be cancelled, it'd be a mercy killing at this point.

I know you don't watch those shows

No... because I'm not 13.

Every Simpsons and Family Guy thread goes like this:

>these hundreds of episodes I've never seen suck!
There's a ton of funny ones
>I still won't watch them and will continue whining

I don't think they're not still funny but they still have their fair share of terrible episodes and are not worth the effort watching compared to the earlier ones.

Well, if you've seen them, at least it's a real opinion.

Hopefully they fire tucker carlson

Hey, fuck you buddy.

You probably would. It's well known that most conservatives are closeted homosexuals.

Oh, you would know.

Hey, you're both fired and I'm changing the locks to the baby blood bank, so don't try any shit.

Based retard

Nu Family Guy is still funny, but a signicantly lower tier of funny. I meme stupid fucking Yas Forums meme discussions funny. I just was watching the one where Stewey and Brian are watching the Fast and Furious movies. It was pretty much the exact same shit as nerds here mocking those stupid movies, Stewey even ranked the FF movies from best to worse.

At the end of the day Family Guy went from being an okay enjoyable sitcom to a shitty but still enjoyable sitcom. Simpsons went from being pure genius to be a shitty sitcom. The fall from grace for The Simpsons is just much larger and more abhorrent.

Family Guy has far less unfunny episodes than Simpsons, but most people who condemn 20+ seasons of episodes haven't seen the majority of them. I've seen seasons 1-9 dozens of times and still think seasons 10-20 are way better (with the hit/miss ratio going up after that), since people seem to have weird standards and think there should be serious plots and sob stories in a comedy. So long as the jokes are funny, I consider it good.