Really makes you think

>Japan makes movies celebrating traditional biological families
>the west makes movies deriding traditional biological families

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they're both shit

For me? It's Wes Anderson. All of his films are commentaries on fatherhood.

That dog looks PISSED

This world does not care enough about children and family unironically.

mirai is boring after 20 minutes, if you think it's good, watch more movies

Wonder why?

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haha imagine wanting to pass on your genes and honor your heritage
this is 2020 adopt a crackhead's mud baby you fucking bigot

The creator of the comic should just adopt who those babies.

>celebrating traditional biological families
I don't think you know what Hosoda is up to

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what a dumb fucking comic
looked up the author because I thought it'd be a woman, but of course it's made by a tranny. even better.

he's had a ruff day

>celebrating traditional biological families
I don't think you know what Hosoda is up to

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The kid tears the dogs tail off and then shoves it up his own ass. Wouldn’t that piss you off?

This but without the irony

It makes sense youd be spiteful against people reproducing when you turned yourself into a eunuch.

>Japan makes movie deriding traditional biological family
>the west gives it award
Is the west trying to corrupt japan ?

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this movie is both certified kino and lofi beats to study or relax to


Ithas been more than 150y now, goy

The narriative would shift if women could keep their legs closed long enough to cause a decline in fertilty rates, boomers would be panicking and pumping these out en masse to ensure they can keep getting social security.

What’s wrong with that?

>we want to do something
>would you like to do something different?

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i mean japan only does that because their birth rate is massively declining
also both look shit

Why are you posting the fake version?

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>lets adopt a nigger
>the nigger raped me and killed you

oh no!

I don't get it lol

>mom and dad look identical
so it's a netflix movie about children of incest?

>normal biological urges BAD
Oh nooo, mentally healthy people prefer having biological children with their loving spouse over taking care of Shaniqua's failed abortions, oh nooo

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Freudian chad nigger

It celebrates non traditional or non biological family

No they wouldn’t, they just argue that you should open the borders instead of having kids. They already say this man.

They only look identical because they're both Japanese

>wanting to have your own offspring: bad, fascist
>wanting to change gender because it makes you feel sexier: good, normal

What do you mean? the film you posted is pretty much a sleazy fuckup manning up and becoming a great father figure