They've never made a good movie, how the hell do they keep getting work?

They've never made a good movie, how the hell do they keep getting work?

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it is obvious... they blew big Harv

networking and the lasting prestige of the first Matrix

well hello beautiful

Oh god, that's what they look like?

I bet these guys are "lesbian' now that they changed genders, because we all know nothing is strange with sisters being lesbians.

They've never made a bad movie.


Their brothers were pretty talented


Diversity points
Just like every other gay/lesbian/trans/whatever that still has a job despite being talentless or controversial

>never made a good movie

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They made this movie when they were still men, that's why it was good.

so get this
"lilly", the second of the two to transition, celebrated the transition by, while still marrying, shacking up with an FTM art professor, left in the pic
motherfucker went the long way around the block to be a "woman" having sex with a "man", and ended up with that fucking thing

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Its not good.
Laughable plot and characters.
Outside of the action scenes its aged horribly.

Isn't that that porn star?

nope, noodlehair got married to the ex-porn star, who was herself shacked up with buck angel for a while
buck angel is persona non grata around the wachowskis for outing them

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didn't expect it to get that ridiculous.

I didn't care for the Matrix. The bullet time stuff was kind of cool at the time, but is pretty lame now.

how did she out them?

the wachowskis are a cautionary tale of what happens when utterly mediocre people are alternately abused and told they're the smartest people on earth


Bound was pretty good.

sold the story to rolling stone, chief interview subject in the famous article that gets posted in all the threads
she has since disavowed the claims, says she made them for money, but that's not the same thing as lying

I just don't understand this shit, even as a gay man. It's pure mental illness.

so his gf dommed him into being a tranny?

larry was abused by nuns as a kid and self-harmed throughout middle and high school, coupled with intermittent crossdressing including with his sisters' clothes. sissy shit runs deep in his veins.
here, have the man himself telling you as much:

I came here to shit on trannies but desu Cloud Atlas was a good movie. Also chek'd

that said, yes, ilsa strix's reputation for hardcore sissydom play certainly had a role in his final degradation

0% passable but I gotta admit I still instinctually glanced at that titty for a minute

It's kind of crazy that he's already got the old lady prunelip thing going

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Cloud atlas is pure kino and no one can convince me otherwise

>Explicit lesbsian sex scene between Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon

Yeah, I'd say it was pretty good. Everybody kinda forgets it exists though

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Take solace in knowing this is a bait thread.

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Sense8 was a decent concept, at least

They never made a bad movie, actually.

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