Cast the inevitable posthumous biopic

Cast the inevitable posthumous biopic.

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has anyone seen the michel gondry documentary, when he's asked about his death wife?
holy shit, hold me Yas Forums

Not even a lefty but I'm gonna miss that lil kike

Chomsky finally turned into a pro war activist and can rest in peace. He never got that war in Syria tho. sad

Michael Mann


Him demolishing Buckley on his own show was just about the greatest moment of televised political debate in history

>even Chomsky is #ridingwithbiden
what's your excuse /leftypol/

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Christopher Plummer or Donald Sutherland
Chris cooper if those aren't available

I get upset when I see this old man's name because back in school people would call me Chomsky-Honk and laugh at me

>political dissident

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>Chomsky pointed out that if a leftist stays home, it’s the same as supporting Trump.

pretty retarded take

He told the truth about the Jews and Israel. Not surprising that the media never really talks about him

centrists only ever invite chomsky on to only talk about voting for the lesser of two evils. never have him on to talk about, say, manufacturing consent or american war crimes.

also, chomsky always says that he believes in anarchism but has no idea how to get there. this is pretty indicative of that.

Since when is dissident a title, instead of a transient occupation?

I thought he hated Obama.

He hates Drumpf more

what was chomsky's tax policy?

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>political dissident
>never criticizes the disproportionate influence Israel has over American politics
political dissidents don't get cushy positions at MIT for 50 years and have all their writings and lectures published and distributed. Chomsky is as much of a political dissident as Mickey Mouse is.

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hes not actually a dissident anyway, he has a job at MIT and sells shitloads of books and gives talks at universities and stuff


He's for it.

I thought he was one of those "Israel is an outpost of the American Empire" copers

what the fuck are you talking about, chomsky is insanely critical of israel

100% on everything

and yet he still supports a two state solution...kinda weird, huh?

>political dissident
Chomsky has lived a long, healthy life in a protected, comfortable academic position. Real dissidents have gotten shot at much earlier ages for saying far more rebellious things in far more dangerous places.

>Chomsky is dying

Can't wait until this piece of shit kicks the bucket too.

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The ultimate champagne socialist. He's up there with yacht Castro.

Should have stuck with linguistics.
Nigga making a fool of himself outside his field like Jordan playing Baseball.

no, it's naive

Who cares about some fucking boomer.

I remember saving the Gnome Chomsky in Left 4 Dead 2

more like
>Chomsky realized election comes down a few thousand people in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Arizona being either 1) disillusioned enough to not vote, or 2) mad enough to flip off the democrat party by voting for whoever the greens throw out there, and trying to minimize that number