She literally went insane

She literally went insane.

Attached: 1492325993918[1].jpg (400x500, 31.8K)

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The wall was not kind to her. I regret seeing what she looks like now

Wow... I wonder what happened to 1492325993918[1].jpg?

You gotta be 18 to post here.

she hasn't been in anything in decades, we have some real old timers in here

She fucks blacks

yeah only old timers go to the movies anymore

who the fuck is this

All whores are insane.


Named her son Meredith. It’s like she wants him to get bullied.

last thing i saw her in was Las Vegas which apparently ran for 5 seasons, weird

Who cares, she's a poor man's Kelly Bundy from a Married with Children ripoff

>some bogged whore who hit the wall in the 80s

She looked good in her last known photos.

>the amount of wolf whistles and hollering every time she was introduced into a scene
>she was 17 too

How did they get away with this?

She is medically insane.


Just call him Mer/y for short
oh wait

I dunno, things change. Now you make mating noises at 50 year old lesbians, what do I care?

She fucks black guys

Why didn't they become THE Hollywood power couple?

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Now that you mention it, you can kind of tell, can't you?

I need to COOM

iirc this was the very last public photo of her

Attached:[1].jpg (852x1136, 168.77K)



Attached: Unhappily Ever After Nikki Cox montage.webm (480x360, 2.52M)

lol I remember Jay went on O&A and swore on his kids lives or some dumb shit that she never had work done.

There's zero evidence for that.
She did fuck Bobcat Goldwaith tho

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Attached: nikki-cox-5.jpg (1280x1607, 543.3K)

What a sad memory.

So are all whores.

She had lip injections but that's it.
Her face always looked very exaggerated even when she was on UHE.

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She flew too close to the sun. You can’t be that hot and expect it to last

Attached: A9203F06-991A-4E92-B88B-764166979231.gif (365x329, 2.95M)

what did Bobcat do to her?

Attached: MV5BMzYzNDE4MTI0Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODk0NTQz._V1_[1].jpg (285x400, 26.46K)

ass 2 ass

Or was it Jay?
Did she get Bynes'd?
Or is she just a nutcase?

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lol what cunt