What's the most boring movie you've ever seen?

What's the most boring movie you've ever seen?

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come at me

Hey now, I liked Cars

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Empire (Andy Warhol, 1964)

The Abyss.

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That would be a tie between Solo: A Star Wars Story and Ant-Man. I fell asleep watching both multiple times.

That one pirates of the Caribbean movie with the foutain of youth

The only movie I remember falling asleep at where I wasn't already dead tired was Monsters vs. Aliens. In terms of movies I actually gave a shit about, I watched Gone with the Wind over a period of two months because it was almost impossible to sit through a single 20 minute segment (and the movie is like 4 hours long).

You posted it, cars is fucking boring.


You were so close to quads

>falling asleep watching a movie

Are you a child

honestly, the small town setting and whole "Life Would Be a Dream" is peak comfy, not boring

Mission Impossible 5 or whatever the one is where he's underwater, and memorizes the codes and all that shit. Usually I just go into the theater blindly and will be mostly satisfied, regardless of genre. But I just didn't care about the plot at all.

indubitably STALKER


Women love this shit though, gf made me watch it.

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The sequel trilogy was really grueling as well

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Visually spectacular on first viewing but I its boring agree if you rewatch it.


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>nothing happens, the movie

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My Dinner With Andre

same thing i posted in the "worst movie you've ever seen" thread from earlier

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That makes no sense. Kids are entertained easily. The older you are, the more likely you are to fall asleep.

Citizen kane by no comparison

you weren't in the mood for such spectacular-attention draining movie. This movie requires your full attention to see.

I don’t understand why, but Aeon Flux was somehow the most boring movie to me, I absolutely could not make myself follow it or even stay awake

Some afgan shit about a woman walking for 2 days, shop some shit, and come back.

I didnt even got laid after that so I hate myself for wasting my time


In general I like kurosawa, but I have to split the movies so i dont fall asleep

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