We need to talk about the bush situation.
We need to talk about the bush situation
What is attractive about bush? Is that the same thing with feet, where no one sane likes it? There is nothing attractive about aesthetically unpleasant, dirty and inconvenient parts of woman's body. There are people who put their tongues in an anus, so I guess it's pointless to argue about this shit
Whatever floats your boat, pedo.
>where no one sane likes it
Nice self awareness dumbshit.
This, women are only attractive if they have the hair distribution of a 9 year old
Why would you want a hairy woman wtf
I'm gonna be thinking about her bush all night long. And that's a good thing!
Keep you warm at night for starters
Pedos begone, this is a hairy muff board.
in her case, id probably just swallow the pubes that get stuck in my teeth.
>implying bush-or-not matters when she's covered by a sheet while I fuck her.
>tfw I have a major feet AND bush fetish
The hair catches pheromones and keeps that area from breaking out in rashes it's gross to shave it unless you don't mind sticking your dick in rank puss
do u like hairy feet
Siggy threads are the highlights of my week.
that's an ideal level of degeneracy user. pray you fall no further.
go find a hobbit
Once you go Hobbit...
No, but the Hobbit is my favourite book
There is nothing attractive about aesthetically unpleasant, dirty and inconvenient parts of woman's body like the vagina but you still put your dick in there.
nothing gets me going like a little girl with light pubic stubble
Demi's thick bush looks down at Sigourney's and laughs heartily.
whole lotta projection there chief,
>i have tuu liek the bush or peeple will thunk imma pedo
that's you
>not posting the directors cut
I want to kiss you on the mouth.
Is this real?
you're in denial
>tranny faggot hates women
every time
Obviously not, just compare between the webm and the photo
No way... r-right?
Yes you are, pedophile.
Bush needs to be way thicker and black.
found the hole
You’re fucking legit retarded kek
>he hasn't seen the special italian directors cut version
its real, idiot
>I know you are but what am I
It doesn't surprise me at all that someone who likes their women to look prepubescent would also have the mental age of a 6th grader
just accept you're a pedo and don't touch kids you don't have to put on this image of liking hairy ape women like some kind of looser who can't do any better
Bush needs to be thicker and pitch black. WTF
It highlights their sexual maturity and femininity
Brazilian Wax is for closet pedos who probably like flat chests too
ok pedo
In space, nobody can hear you bleach