So wait. Was this this actually bad?

Because memes aside I'm thinking about watching it

Attached: birds.jpg (184x273, 15K)

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shut up

Do you really want the worthless opinion of Yas Forums misogynists?
You already know what mouthbreathers here think of the movie (without having seen it, of course).

idk some people on here occasionally have interesting opinions

then watch it dumbass we arent your caregivers

Most of the action scenes were pretty good, story jumps around but doesn't drag, not as SJW as the marketing would have you believe. Villains really good. Watch it once, not worth watching it more than once though.

yes. it was bad. Unless you have no idea who the characters are. Then it was just almost that bad

Meh, it was OK, nothing special, it just feels so blend as it did not really get any excitement going.

>Most of the action scenes were pretty good
like the one in the trailer?

Attached: 1431631148406.gif (240x176, 535.23K)

I didn't think it was that terrible. It certainly wasn't good, but it had some fun moments. If you're not too bothered by the occasional "strong independent women" shilling then give it a try. I mostly watched it for Margot Robbie since I find her really mesmerising to look at.

Havent seen it but from clips and Webms I've seen here it looks ok with no context except for Harley Quinn who appears to be trying way way to hard to be random. Like with the egg sandwich, yeah the scene looked bad but he outfit took me out of it completely. Do you get used to it?

She is very aesthetically appealing I will give her that.

It's just another generic capeshit that tries to be a little more quirky than the rest. Decent entertainment, but forgettable.

I used to think it was trash
then I watched it and it was worse

on capeshit scale: its middle of the road.
biggest issue is that its too much Harley so the other characters don't do much.
everyone is miscast but Ewan is always good in everything

Even for capeshit, it's below Xmen 3 and Fantastic 4 RotSS. It's far from middle road. F4ntastic or Xmen Apocalypse level of bad

It's so weird that batman doesen't show up to any of this and that he let all of the evens of suicide squad slide.

boring. Watchable

It's ok if you don't mind a kick in the balls here and there. I mean just pretend you don't see those few cringe moments and it a cool flick. If I could change one thing is that Harley uses a saw off shotgun instead of a riot gun with non lethal shells (could have been as cool as the Terminator).

the entire movie is a compilation of cringe scenes
everything falls flat

I don't remember the trailer so I have no clue but
Police station
Evidence room
Final Car chase
were all good action scenes. Directed by Chad "The Chad" Stahleski.

Nah. There's no way you can say BoP is worse than those movies unless you just refuse to talk good about it because of the female angle. It's enjoyable, not ground breaking, or great, but sure as hell not as low as those movies you mentioned.

It was okay and it didn't really have any "in your face" anti-male agenda.
Black Mask and Zsasz were the best parts of the film no questions asked.
Montoya was too old and "Cass" was too young.
There were also some cheesy moments that were kinda cringy but other than that, it's decent but could have been done better.

Attached: BlackMask.jpg (1037x570, 49.22K)

Attached: 1587089969030.webm (1280x532, 2.59M)

A lot of it looks cute. Like I know HQ is 30 but still she's cute. I appreciate that since most movies the women aren't cute.

other user here, yes it's worse than xmen 3

>It was okay and it didn't really have any "in your face" anti-male agenda.
I guess the rape van wasn't obvious enough for peabrains

Lmao I love how every bit of action in this movie has to have a large stunt man standing still and helping the women move around them.

This is the most pivotal scene in the movie

>out of context clip with no sound to prove point
Harley just kicked his knee in that's why he's like that. Why do I suspect Jeremy from Geeks+Gamers posted this?

>with no sound
yeah that's how you can easily spot terrible choreography and editing, brainlet
>outing himself as twitter shill to boot

>that mongoloid v. negroid thumbnail
no thanks not clicking. they're both really ugly.

>I'll try spinning, that's a good trick

>rape van

it's not good. waste of time

Harley Quinn is my new waifu if that tells you anything, it's alright, nothing special but it's not supposed to be