Best Michael Cera movie?

Best Michael Cera movie?

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superbad or crystal fairy and the magical cactus

the social network


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brooklyn nine nine

When is Alannah Pearce gonna get fat? I want to see her pork up bros please. I need chubby gamer gurl gf. Just look at what happened to Naomi Kyle from IGN, this is her now:

either superbad or better yet youth in revolt

She already has said Funhaus isn't a thing she's going to be at forever, so who knows. Guess it depends how much her current BF wants her to fatten up. She already has a great excuse (her lethargy sickness or whatever).


>She already has said Funhaus isn't a thing she's going to be at forever
Funhaus is pretty clearly on its way out, everyone good or at least had good chemistry is gone other than James and sometimes Elyse

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>Funhaus is pretty clearly on its way out
Pretty much. Just have to enjoy what you can while James is still there; there's no doubt he's next since Adam has already said he's going to stay until the end.


All they had to do was keep playing demo disk, wheehaus, and games with janky physics engines. You're telling me they got bored of DD and WH but they're willing to play shitty races and TDM in GTAV for over five years? Did they hate the Hitman series THAT much that they never touched it after their sponsored HITMAN 2 playthrough?

>Board games: turbo trash
>GTAV: trash but I guess it makes them money
>openhaus: trash
>movie reviews: trash
>Google trends: trash
>drunken gameplay: decent but they don't do them anymore
>horror games: decent but they never do them
>over-budgeted single shots where they dress up and the bits are too elaborate: almost entirely trash

At the start of 2018, they had a podcast on how crazy they were with their work schedule. I'm inclined to believe them (Demo Disk every week for literally 3 straight years?? They're workaholics, man). I'm OK that they started to do "seasons" with Demo Disk/Wheelhaus.

>GTAV: trash but I guess it makes them money
Yeah, they've said multiple times GTA is their money maker. Whatever pays the bills, dude...

>openhaus: trash
It's literally improv comedy practice for them (also easy money). You don't like any of them?? Check out their early ones if you haven't.

The rest I agree with you. Sad they don't do *good* drunk gameplays anymore. Even in 2018/2019 when they still had Bruce/Lawrence, they didn't do anything as experimental as i.e. Talking Stalkings. Too bad.

last bump im giving

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It's a shame she's barren .

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what a babe, can't believe James settled for her

Who’s this 6.5/10?

>since Adam has already said he's going to stay until the end.

God damn I feel sorry for him, first Machinima, then Inside gaming, now this. The virus is probably gonna be the end of the channel sadly.

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She looks so hot in a skirt and t-shirt, but plain jane in a bikini. Many such cases.

I don't like coffee cake but if offered a piece i'd dig it.

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>[citation needed]
or is it just the implication that she's in her mid 30s and childless?

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Looks like an accountant.

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It was either James or Elyse who literally joked that Elyse is barren. Is there truth behind that joke, who knows.

I can't remember the Dude Soup, but she's talked about not wanting kids.

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This is why James wants out