Worst movie you've ever seen thread

Worst movie you've ever seen thread

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You are like a little baby. Have you seen Clownado? The Acid Sorceror? Return to Bloodfart Lake? Get out of my house with this weak shit.

Big Ass Spider is unironically great though. Great sidekick, based Ray Wise, surprisingly funny.

This was the last movie I rented from my blockbuster before it closed and I wouldn’t want it any other way


>Return to Bloodfart Lake?
the name alone is worth the price of admission

>le sobaditsgood meme shit
You're a pleb too

What? No those are horrible. Is this for bad but gem? Galaxy of Terror.

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>The Acid Sorcerer is a dark and nihilistic horror film that borders between fiction and reality. The introduces the viewer to a serial killer, a drug addicted couple, a sadistic drug dealer, a cross dressing snuff filmmaker and a prostitute who has HIV. The characters embrace their inner darkness, struggle with morality, come to terms with their mortality and ultimately meet their demise.

Really though, who sits through the entirety of a bad movie? After 10 or so minutes you'd drop it.

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I used to have an autistic obsession with b-horror where I would watch anything just to have the movie under my belt.

My Lovely Burnt Brother and his Squashed Brain
Horror Girl
Alien Beasts

Ha, Things.

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Isn’t that movie really fappable though?

This shit probably

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No it's not. It has a couple of kinda cute girls, but all but one of the sex scenes are incredibly tame and the rest of it is irredeemably shit.

Which eye am I appraising it with?

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It was on Prime, I fucking dare you to even start to watch it.

Should've been great.

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I've also seen poseidon rex, gingerdead man, the triassic games, and tank 432 if you're gonna be that way

I think Gary Busey freaked the fuck out of the actress he was acting with in Gingerdead man. That's probably why they dropped him going on.

Please be in Newcastle.

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Disaster Movie

Sharkansas women's prision masacare


Couldn't even make it through one bit.

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This piece of shit.

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yeah that one was a real dud

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