Yas Forums doesn't talk about Alita Battle Angel anymore

>Yas Forums doesn't talk about Alita Battle Angel anymore

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The trannys dont have a janny to protect this trash from criticism anymore
And the mod won't do it because theres proof he gave a child illegal substances on huntington beach on the memorial day meetup

after jannies got rid of the alita general, alitaposters congregated on discord and decided to flood even non-simpsons threads in revenge. over time the alita/sneed discord became less and less popular until finally one main sneedposter was left. one day it was revealed that both the sneed and anti-sneed posts disrupting a thread were all by the same poster, so sneed posting was so thoroughly exposed that even this user stopped.

became old news; I too only got around to watch alita when the threads died out, and now I'll never know what was said in them

fuck al*tacels

I watched it after you guys were still spamming it, it was not that good. You guys hype a movie obsessively, and it turns out to be a "meh" movie.

Because it's fucking shit

huh, no shit?

I am a sexually successful 20 year old heterosexual male and I love Alita

name ONE movie that is better

confirmed for zoomer with trash taste

The discord trannys all killed themselves, as is their way.

We had a thread today

Because as cute as the movie is, it really dives out of the window in act 3.

Plus a sequel is..... probably not going to happen based on its general performance in theaters. I think the manga series is great, but honestly some things just don't translate well or resonate with your average American movie-goer. We're long past the days where something like "Akira" can actually draw in major North American audiences.

>name ONE movie that is better

That list is endless.

and yet you couldn't name a single one...

Its a decent if flawed movie with a top waifu , but they tried to fit in too much story into a runtime they could afford that had a hope of being recouped at the box office and it only just made it by the skin of its teeth with respectable bluray and streaming, film tax credits, a very risky balancing act.

a sequel or god willing a trilogy would go long way to redeeming the movies sins like vast quantities of exposition dialog and the obvious setup ending, and would likely be cheaper to produce as all the ground work for Alita's VFX and the huge chunks of the world are done.

cross your fingers !

Pretty much all of them, which is my point, and why I don't point a single one out. You guys talked it up so much, and I was very disappointed.

>movie based on a bad OVA of a good manga
the public has finally found out the TRUTH

too busy shilling dune

Because discordfags are cringe.

Because it was a terrible movie that was rightfully forgotten. The hundreds of generals were merely a proxy for discord chatroom trannies with a view to baiting the young and naive, socially awkward weebs who were obviously prime targets for grooming.
May it forever be relegated to the pile where it belongs.

>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced

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I actually love this movie but the probability of a sequel is low and it annoys the fuck out of me so id rather not talk about to not be reminded.

because she is a bitch

Theres a thread like every day

It was an enjoyable watch. Not a masterpiece or anything, but visually pretty stunning. Also Alita is super cute.

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Watched it a few weeks ago and while I thought I would like it because Alita looks cute and I like sci fi it was pretty fucking disappointing and I don't even know if I want it to have a sequel which is rare for me to say.

it may have underperformed at the theaters but has the most honest following and highest cultural impact since avatar

>performs horribly at the box office

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>I don't even know if I want it to have a sequel which is rare for me to say.

It shouldn't have had a sequel. Alita was franchise bait.



>Muh city in the sky

Uncanny valley cgi character set amongst a cast of actors was incredibly offputting. She also suffered not only in the facial expressions but in the disconnect between the voice actress and the animation.
A 35 year old roasties voice just doesn't match the visuals of an animated teen girl, robot or not it was jarring. And the dialogue was fucking atrocious, even by anime standards.
Action sequences again suffer from the same problem as always with 3d animated characters and slow motion is heavily overplayed.
A real dud.