Here's your cure, bro

>Here's your cure, bro.

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Thank you.

Fucking lmao, what is wrong with americans

>I call you DONG

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Imagine giving all your rights away because you're scared of something that was manufactured in a lab

Room temperature IQ... Ahh... so warm...

something that was manufactured in a lab sounds scarier than a natural flu tbqh

>ahhhhh nooooo you cant just tell me to stop spreading the deadly virus, its my right to worship my false idols and put everyone at risk!!!
Do Americans really do this?

how is america a real place

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If you think room temp IQ is warm, doesn't that mean you're used to much lower IQ?

yep :/

uhhhhhhhhh i mean something thats 100% organic and all natural

he seems like a nice guy honestly

I live in texas. A major city million plus. A couple hundred heard trump, decided to drink bleach. They had to have a public announcement. Too many people listened to trump and drank bleach.

I... thought it was funny at first. Then realized his fans will drink bleach if he says so.

Just what the fuck

U cum DOWN

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Be careful. Soon this thread will be swarming with Christcucks who will spam fedora images whenever presented with challenging questions about their stupid goat herder fairytales.

sounds like a problem that solves itself

much like trannys killing themselves, trumpsters drinking bleach is great

I move that Corona-Chan be deified and placated with tributes of semen.

Evangelical Republicans are the dumbest fucks on the planet

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>he's not anointed by the blood of Christ
Copeland is a charlatan and it's good to follow self isolation but believers can still do their thing in faith the Lord will be there through whatever

Yeah. Its not even funny anymore. All across america trump fans drank bleach yesterday

what the actual fuck hahahahaha

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That boomer lady in the guy fawkes mask gets me every time.

>he didn't drink bleach and go lay in the sun ironically yesterday
jeez incels live a little

How do I get the light inside of me? All I see is darkness

What's worse, trump said laundry detergent could be used to neutralize the virus, and now in my country laundry detergent is sold out everywhere.
He doesn't think about how what he says might have impact on other countries, he just runs his big fat mouth.

>drink bleach
>more dead mutts
Yeah I'm thinking FLORK is based

media needs to stop broadcasting anything he says, hes a legit threat to public health

Check out texas man. Major cities had surges of it.

Trumpfans are literally dumber than cows. A cow would not force bleach down its throat.

nooooooo but he's based and he owns the libs :((

Trump is literally genuinely killing boomers and thats pretty based

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you gotta open your mouth
the smell of bleach on your breath will keep the bugs from crawling in

He meant the light of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Why not use bleach or light?

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All around the world are crazy people like this user

Its just senility at this point. A month ago he told people to take a pill that will kill the virus victims if they get bad

fat orange retard is literally telling children to put poisonous chemicals in their veins
how the fuck does Yas Forums still support this sack of shit


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>Inject bleach.

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Is the Yas Forums "how to grow crystals" all over again
Based Trump intoxicating his own voters

>inject light

Unironically BASED

Doing way more than nurses

How long ago was it that kids were eating tide-pods of their own volition?

>3.6 million deaths, not great, not terrible

Those were stupid kids doing it as a ''challenge''. This is the president of the United States and his supporters.

Are you deflecting?

it's like the meat suit can barely contain whatever is in there

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Nope, Just pointing out that stupid people do stupid shit regardless of who tells them anything. Seems like a self solving problem desu.

No one was stupid enough to actually “grow crystals”, right? I guess Yas Forums does skew pretty young tho

What kind of demented state of mind do you have to be in to find this man trustworthy and give him your money.

How far gone are you?

He is one of those ''prosperity preachers'' I believe. So they prey on really desperate, and kinda stupid people.
>send me money and God will reward you