Whats the greatest film ever made?
Whats the greatest film ever made?
das boot
> pic unrelated
Jaws is the best ever.
2001 is the 'greatest'.
lol, no. Way too long, gets boring in the mid section.
>we went too deep!
>oh no it happened again!
Submarines are pretty boring desu.
Spanish Appartment
why is he posed like its the cover of a gay porno?
Err, watch the film? Its pretty obvious.
anyone else see this is cinema? was one of the best experiences of my life
Once Upon a Time in America
I don't watch beaner shit so cringe
Odd and wrong choice but I appreciate you for picking something you genuinely like unlike most mouth breathing retards that post here
Considered it, but you can't smoke and drink while watching in the cinema, and that's something I believe should be done while watching it.
objectively, Ghostbusters
>Once Upon a Time in America
you cant smoke but you can definetely drink, if youre quiet about it.
t. someone who was drunk during it
Post yours fag
Hands down.
There is no such a film. Absolute objectivity doesn't exist in film. Everyone is different. Everyone likes different films. I think that the best movie ever made is the one that speaks deeply to your soul. You just know the one when you watch it. A movie that you will keep dearly inside you.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I know most of you won't agree and I understand that. I know it's not "the best" - but it is for me. I fucking hate Tarantino and still found it beyond excellent, I don't even know why it impacted me so much.
I did that during the House that Jack Built with a friend, smuggled a bottle of whiskey in, kept pouring it in our coke.
Problem is when you then want to smoke real bad, had to resort to Nicotinte gum.
Was worth it thought, had a blast.
Why yes I think For a Few Dollars More is vastly superior to the good the bad and the ugly how could you tell
Agreed. Just an unbelievably great film, the best out of all 3.
Funny I feel the same way. Went in expecting it to be just ok. Had tears in my eyes at the end. IDK how that autist made the most genuinely \soulful and compassionate movie I've ever seen, but he did.
I like Barry Lyndon a lot so I won't bash you but OUaTiA is a better film and an absolute masterpiece.
half my mates left to smoke and missed the fucking helicopter charge scene and i will never forgive them
The house the jack built was pretty good the music got stuck in my head and kept bringing me back for a week
same here it felt like he had finally escaped his own tropes and just made a great film
Exactly, you understand. I've never got the autistic "clapping for the director" bullshit at the end of a film, but by the end of this one I understood perfectly. Have a great weekend user.
ngl icouldn't force myself to sit through a 4 hour piece about jews. I like sergio but you know
fucking excellent
Coppola is film daddy
gonna hurry up and watch this.
it's the first film he's made where he wasn't an edgy 12 year old nerd
Class of 1999