90 Day Fiance

Whos your favorite character so far in this show? Why did Ed bring up about her smelly breath?


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Based Ed putting that stinky thot in her place

Pretty BASED. Not sure why everybody hates him


He looks awful. Just awful. Amazed she agreed to it.

His D is that good. Shes mad at him now cause he left her ass with nothing.

the only reason he's hated is cause he looks like a lego figure. If he were chad people would be fawning over his confidence.
There's literally a comment by a foid on the yt vid about how she wishes the slant would get a hot rich guy, with no mention of a different personality. Not saying his personality should change, it's just women are vapid whores who only want someone who's attractive and rich but try to pretend they're better than that.

jealous of his giant pecker

Imagine describing a man and calling it a woman

How BASED is ED? Thot got nothing and Ed got laid.


Who team Paul here

Attached: 90-Day-Fiance-Paul-Staehle-The-Other-Way-19.jpg (800x445, 65.23K)

Deep down this guy is a serial killer and autistic.

>Amazed she agreed to it.
Well she sleeps on the floor in a leaky hut in the jungle so I don't know how picky she can be.

hes ugly and a turbomanlet

So this guy is totally disgusting and can get a decently-hot young foreign wife...Does that mean that if I'm 50 and actually look good for that age i'll be able to get an actually hot young foreign wife?

Based Ed gives me hope that one day I can go to SEAmonkey land and bang poor jungle monkeys in their jungle huts with rats running around and shit and their kids crying nearby

If you have money and green card. Yes.

I will definitely have money when I'm 50 and isn't the green card just up to the US Govt? I would marry a 10/10 18yo asian girl and give her a great life. Why don't more people do this?

My boy smashed her and left.

She doesn't wash her face
Shave her legs
Brush her teeth
Imagine her pussy smell when every day there the temperature is 90 degrees and 100% humidity

Its expensive process and the girl usually leaves your ass when they get approved.

because we don't need more Elliotts in the world

What's the best season of this show to go back and watch bros? I have nothing to do.

Yeah I could see that but I'd think my chances would be pretty good of her staying if I'm actually decent looking and good to her.

>Imagine her pussy smell when every day there the temperature is 90 degrees and 100% humidity

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Good luck with that. You're responsible for them for 10 years too even if she leaves you.

His wife is gross but her tits were nice after her pregnancy

The Jesse season

Responsible how? Like alimony payments?

>all those simps in the comments
If he married her the second she got citizenship she would dump him and find an upgrade.

Season two is the best start. Danielle & Mohamed is the best couple to laugh at.

Alimony and some other stuff.

Darcey is my favorite. I have a thing for BOGGED middle aged women with emotional problems.

I guess I should ask which show also. There's like fifty different spin-offs, it's confusing.

everytime ill fast ill have to remember this post

mohamad is so fucking based