This is your Batman everybody

This is your Batman everybody

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based. even thought the cast is pozzed, pattinson and farrell will make it kino.

he cant act and looks like a small woman

This is fine.

You can’t act and look like an orangutan


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Good legs
Not Vinning tier but respectable

>downgrades are “fine”

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thats cgi you retard.


This is why I’m not excited. We finally saw a big Batman and that is the way to go. I just can’t picture skinny ass Pattinson tossing guys like Affleck did. Even in the armored suit, he looks kinda small. Batman should be an absolute monster. Pattinson’s body looks more like mine than what Batman should look like.

I don’t think this movie is going to be that action oriented

>Time to workout!
>Hits a tire with a sledgehammer

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that's still more than you will ever hit in your entire life

Stop living vicariously through fictional characters, it's not good for you.
>Bro Fatman is super shredded and shit he's just like me

they said the whole point of this movie is to focus more on batman's detective side.

What kind of women are you looking at you faggot

>Batman starting out his crime fighting career is supposed to be as ripped as Batman 20+ years into it

>crime fighting career

Capeshit has broken you.

What would you call it then you fucking spastic? A campaign? He doesn’t fucking work. He just rakes in the money Wayne industries makes.

take a picture of your calf

you moorin' brah?

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That’s exactly what it is faggot

getting this sperged out for a comic book character created for 10yr olds. ouch, man. ouch.

Nice job deflecting the question

>we will never ever get a bigger guy than Tom Hardy for Bane, aka the biggest and best meme that has ever existed
It's extremely painful

its a crusade. they call him the caped crusader, no? if only he would actually kill muslims and shit, if only.

No one is expecting user to portray a superhero however

Go back to shilling on reddit, faggot

Needs a cycle

Those legs...

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nice reddit boots bro.


Damn you’re meaty bruh..haha..have anymore pics or...? Haha not into guys or anything bro don’t get the wrong idea haha ;)