Bring me Harry Potter... and the Sorcerer's Stone too

>bring me Harry Potter... and the Sorcerer's Stone too

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>they changed the title from Philosopher's Stone to Sorcerer's Stone because they thought American children wouldn't know what a philosopher is

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Goblet of Fire is the best Potter movie and the best teenager movie ever. Prove me wrong.

do americans really?

>they changed the word "Ninja" to "Hero" because they thought Ninja was too aggressive for British children

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Gets told at the start that there is the risk of death competing in the Tri-Wizard tournament and this nigga freaks out when his son is dead.

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grew up in the UK and I always knew them as the ninja turtles


>american kids keep running into their schools and shooting their friends to death
Sounds like they were right

Best performance of the franchise

Fact : half blood wizards are objectively stronger
Wizards would win in a full on war against muggles

for me is the moment when harry sees his reflection in the mirror holding the stone, and then sees the stone in his real pocket....

Its mostly because Hollywood producers are legit idiots.

>be raised in 2nd world (read eastern europe) shithole
>be 7 around the time the first HP video game comes around
>older cousin pirates it and gives me the CD
>title of the game says Sorcerer's Stone
>think it's fake so I tell on him to my parents
>he gets grounded and computer taken away for the entire school year
>still carries a small grudge to this day
f-fuck ameritards, a-amirite??

>the Chinese Batflu

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What did he mean by this

> that band fanfare playing while harry grips a dead body

Why would your parents be mad at him for having a bootleg Harry Potter

why would you tell on him for giving you a free copy of a fun computer game? did you think it was a virus or something?

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Can't disagree with you, brother. I love the sense of urgency GoF has throughout the film/book, especially during the maze trial. The movies aged horribly, though.

wrong. the best performance is Kenneth Branagh
as Lockhart

>somebody gives you something for free
>snitch on them because you thought the free thing wasnt good enough
yikes dog


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>The movies aged horribly, though
What the fuck? They're all still exactly as good (as in the first half of the films) or bad (latter half) as they were on release. It's insane that they they hold up perfectly. And in terms of CGI, the first two look dated, but 3 and onward look literally as good or better than CGI used today.

>They're still exactly as shit

Isnt the word Mutant far more aggressive than Ninja

So he was weak and barely alive in the first movie and in the second movie he is somehow better and even takes a fake identity.

why are these schools even allowing a competition with a real risk of death to happen? do wizards not have liability lawsuits?

no he's not really in the second movie, it's just a piece of his soul that's fucking with the big snake in the sewers. he doesn't show up in physical form again until the fourth one, I forget how he does it but he's in like a gross toddler form at first and then comes back to full strength at the end.

they send 8yo children to a place full of rape magic and creatures inside the castle

nothing makes sense, it was written by a woman

You could literally die by any retarded reason in the school, at least the competition had all the teachers on standby if someone gets badly injured.
Like imagine practicing magic alone somewhere and you fuck up something simple, blowing half of your head off. Or mixing some potions and putting 1ml of gorbleshit too much, instantly killing you when ingested.