Little Shop of Hairloss
Little Shop of Hairloss
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Make sure to post your hairline 33 years later
Yeah OP, I bet when you are 67 you will be doing much better.
he's 67 lmao
That's not even bad.
great singer
He looks pretty fine for a 67 years old dude.
I still miss him, bros.
Why did he have to quit forever, instead of 'just' 20 years to raise his kids?
>yfw at one point being in the industry was literally boy with there toys
>TFW I'm baldcel by 30.
wet shave it faggot
Honey I Shrunk My Hairline
He looks the same just older. You do know people grow older as time passes, right?
Too much effort and I am past the head-shaving stage by now.
He's in a new honey I shrunk the kids show
time to ascend
he just has shorter hair. if he grew it out he would basically look the same
Yes, I have the full beard; as a babyface with a horseshoe looks even worse.
I'd go for the full skullet, but it gets too hot in summer and I am forced to trim it down.
2000 was 20 years ago.
>I Ain't Goin' Nowhere
>*immediately quits acting*
>tfw 27 and hair is starting to go grey
don't ever post this again
>itt: balding anons seething hard about the effeminate antique manlet with more hair than them
why would you shame a man for losing his hair. you deserve to be sent to the ninth circle of hell to be tortured by Dis
Hes clearly too bald for the embrace
spoiler that shit, bro
I'd take grey over bald any day.
Are hairplugs worth it bros? Looking at the results, I think they are
Imagine being insecure like OP. Your life's gonna suck once you are past 30, enjoy the ride lmao
As someone whose shit is going all salt-and-pepper myself, I'd rather gray out early than go bald.
It's hilarious how, over the past two years, balding threads on /fa/ have gone from like 1% of the catalog to about 50%.
They worked really well for Elon Musk but he could afford to get the best hair transplant available and probably has annual touchups. The $1/graft hair plug procedures you see advertised on billboards along the highway probably will give you inferior results.
It's upcoming. Called Shrunk and it's a movie, not a show.
I'd love to bash this midget kike's head in
I'd like you guys to take a moment out of your day to give a hardy chuckle at baldies.