Why did Prometheus drink the black goo poison?

Why did Prometheus drink the black goo poison?

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because he was a black goo engineer

Orange man told him to do it.

It was his duty to seed the planet with his genetic material.

Like a bee kills itself by stinging an intruder, he killed himself to fulfill his role within his alien society.

>It was his duty to seed the planet with his genetic material
were they planning to create a sub-standard species to enslave?

>Life on Earth was created by an alien jizzing everywhere

Sneed the planet

at first I thought he was being punished by his society, but other anons pointed out that maybe they were deliberately seeding the planet with life, though it could be both

no, alien fucked a chimp. there’s proof now

is this body achievable natty?



>Why did ...

>nigger as a captain of the ship
I'll give it a shot though.
>white robo whore drools over nigger
Instantly turn off this blatant propaganda. Yep, feels good to be enlightened.


Because there is no way to introduce dna into an environment than by dissolving some random guy.

shrug no less than 4 hours per day + 2g protons per g of body material

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>2g protons
that would just be canceled out by drinking electrolytes.

we are still evolving bro

Maybe. Perhaps they were just experimenting. It would be interesting to explore theor intentions but we got covenant instead

it was gold goo, the black goo you see later in the film is synthetic imitation that only creates monsters

also engineers lost the ability to reproduce so they did the next best thing

>humans and engineers are a perfect genetic match
>engineer eats black goo, dissolves and seeds planet with lie
>human eats black goo, either becomes monster or a monster explodes out

Uh? how does that even work?

The goo can be programmed to do anything on a genetic level.

yes but the amount of time you'd have to dedicate to training, nutrition and sleep would leave little time for anything else.

chimps did psilocybin bro.


The black goo is just a plot device, it does whatever fuck the plot need it to do without any rhyme or reason.

And roids. Don't forget the roids.
>what is a recovery phase
Protip: this is actually when you build muscle.

there are different types of goo

Space jews tricked him.

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