ITT: Hate the actor, love their acting roles.
ITT: Hate the actor, love their acting roles
James Woods is based.
I also thought that until I actually read his twitter and realized he’s just an angry boomer with nothing original to say. His observations and responses aren’t even that funny.
I'm starting to wonder if he even writes his Twitter. He doesn't act like that when people talk to him in person.
he's edgy and contrarian just like us pedes
He based
>Hate the actor
spotted the lefty cuck
Yeah, you.
More like love the actor, love their roles
He makes fun of lefties and twitterniggers. That's always a good time.
He already got blackballed from Hollywood, he’s got nothing to loose by being a dick
Then why does he always seem so angry?
How can you hate based James Woods, you cuck ?
Hardly. His tweets are just unironic talking points, like all boomer memes.
He tried to coerce Amber Tamblyn into having sex with him when she was 16.
The right is incapable of insulting the left without appearing butthurt as fuck.
See? Even talking about him makes the niggers seethe. Kek.
>hating Jimmy Woods
He's a boring basic bitch Republican.
The right is just clinging to James Woods because he's one of the few people left who is so dumb that he still supports President "Just inject yourself with disinfectant bro!" They're getting more and more desperate so they'll take whoever they can get.
That's just your programming. You've been brainwashed and you have the evidence before you. Look at it, though it hurts you.
I'm not even left wing just telling it like it is.
Great in Videodrome and OOH, PIECE A' CANDY
Is there something you "get" out of being a contrarian on Yas Forums? This is an honest question for my thesis
The only notable work he’s done in a decade is Kingdom Heart 3
He's not wrong.
What do you "get" out of being a contrarian?
Mockery may have worked for your parents, but I'm just asking a simple question.
Leftoid misinterpreting what Trump says again
I love revisionist movies.
That's what I thought.
>Just inject yourself with disinfectant bro!
It's not true.
But you have to believe that it's true. Otherwise you're the bad guy.
What a time to be alive.
Really trying to force that inject bleach meme?
You do realize that Biden stomped Bernie into the dirt just lose the election because he's senile, right? Your hero lost to a guy who probably wears diapers because he can't go to the bathroom on his own.
He was also great as a sleazy loser in Casino. Sharon Stone fucking simped for him like the basic bitch she was.