Jigsaw didn't murder anyone

Jigsaw didn't murder anyone

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Who says he did?
It's not us you have to convince mate it's the jury and if you wear that makeup and ride a tricycle into the courtroom it probably wont help your cause.
Anyway if the DA offers manslaughter I suggest we take it.

Depraved Indifference is a form of murder, one of which he is guilty of. Now shut the fuck up.

prove me wrong Yas Forums jigsaw never killed anyone all his traps have ways to survive, its his successors and his unfinished traps that kill people but everything he does has a winning solution

his victims didn't volunteer to partake in his traps. putting someone in a position were they could potentially die is intention at the very least

>Murder? That's slander! My client gave all of his guests the choice to live or die. Not his fault they chose to die!

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>his victims didn't volunteer to partake in his traps.
Even if they did give consent he would be held accountable by law, like that dude that gave consent to be killed and cannibalized.

>In the 1946 case, Commonwealth v. Malone, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania affirmed the conviction of a teenager on the charge of second degree murder using the depraved-heart doctrine. The teenager in question had set up a game of Russian roulette which ended in the death of another teenager, a friend of the defendant. When tried for the crime of murder, his defense argued that since he had no intent to kill, the defendant could not be convicted of murder. The prosecution successfully argued using the depraved-heart doctrine that his recklessness and carelessness amounted to a level of negligence sufficient to serve as evidence of criminally culpable intent.

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Why is it always PA? Randy Stair, Couch Cuck, the final fantasy 7 house, all these malcontents come from here. Charles Manson was born a state over. Are they pumping crazy pills into Lake Erie or something?

>I didn't kill him, he had the opportunity to avoid the bullet

>FF7 house

>that dude that gave consent to be killed and cannibalized

>delayed indefinitely
I'm annoyed about this one, it was one of the only kinos I was looking forward to this year.

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>the pupils change from red to brown in the last panel, when the dude who made this gave him puppy eyes.

did the puppy eyes dont work with red or what? Why do I notice this things?


It's been 2 decades since then but the Final Fantasy 7 house is stuff of internet legend, theres some docu web series on YouTube

>delayed indefinitely
>jigsaw no murder shitposts stop
Hmmm... thinking parts no work well...

exception that proves the rule

You're a retard that doesn't know what that means.

Literally everyone Jigsaw killed had a choice to live or die and they chose death. He didn't even put them in a deadly situation when there's a clear way out. Hoffman could realistically be charged with manslaughter for his traps but he's too competent to get caught so it doesn't even matter.

he didn't kill anyone, he merely deprived them of life

Yankees are just prone to being blood thirsty, psychopathic, and violent sub-humans.

How else do you keep your government in check?

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>When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

Unironically, what was his endgame?

You're god damned right.

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Getting his own game show

>the only reason the irish didn't want slavery abolished was because niggers were the only people lower than them

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why did he kidnap people? were they criminal scum or was it just random plebs

that's not how the law works

>the key is in the bathtub

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I call bullshit on some of these accounts, still crazy though
a movie would be awesome

4 of them were racists