Are there any movies where a main character has literally injected himself with disinfectant and saved the day?

Are there any movies where a main character has literally injected himself with disinfectant and saved the day?

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My life

omg did you see trump get on tv and tell all americans to drink bleach

Trump 2020 lessgoooooooo

then i think he mumbled something like "and chase it with ammonia", what an absolute madman, i can't believe those deplorables voted him in, hashtag not my president

Why do you retards defend this?
Or are you actually bots?

Trump never lies so Im just gonna chug this

i'm not defending anything i think its total bullshit that trump got on tv and told us all to drink bleach, thankfully I have joe biden on twitter to remind me not to

It's not funny Yas Forumstard. Your orange clown of a president just went on live tv and told his citizens to mainline morning fresh scent lysol.

can't wait to see what joe says i should do about those el jeez running around the yard next door

Based Rachel Maddow reminding me not to drink chemicals through the use of dramatic pauses

What he said was dumb, but it wasn’t a endorsement of injecting disinfectant. Not even close

god, I love this new meme

inject bleach

Trump LITERALLY went on national tv and told people to snort powdered dish cleaner, how is this funny to your pieces of shit?

No. No. No. I REFUSE to let him tell my wife's son, MY WIFE'S *SON*, that he should honk ten rails of crushed Tide pods to cure his acne. Unconscionable.

>Donald Trump says we should inject disinfectant into our lungs to fight the Coronavirus. That would be like drilling holes through your eardrums so you don't have to listen to your noisy coworkers. YOU'RE TALKING TOO MUCH, SUSAN! IT'S EIGHT IN THE MORNING!

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He was being sarcastic, hilariously so. Too bad you didn't "get it" before he explained the joke. You snooze, you lose.

You got pranked the President of the United States.

Says a lot about society. He was being sarcastic.

You libtards will be proven wrong when it actually defeats the virus.

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Defend what?

Have bleach.

>eating tidepods is now literally endorsed by the president of the united states of america

This is the best timeline

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Merv Griffin is the Elevator Killer and injects people with window cleaner in this kino.

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Do Americans really do this?

Trump just said on twitter that he wants to swap out the national water supply with industrial disinfectant. This maniac is going to kill us all.

Drink Bleach for Trump!

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are liberals still freaking out about trump joking about injecting disinfectant? these people are fucking obsessed

they are probably projecting their own beliefs that its good for you so they thought he was serious

Liberals just don't understand conservative comedy. What a shame, since we clearly have the best handle on what actually makes a guy bust a gut.

I knew you lurked here john

It’s more to the idea that you shouldn’t say stupid things facetiously around people who view you as a literal retard.

Any kinos about leftist discord demoralization shills?

>conservacucks desperately trying to spin this into something positive for trump
