Everyone's black

Everyone's black

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One series about both? That's weird, but I could see it. Like, everyone meets their counterpart and then Zeus rapes them all.

>turns into bull
>rapes white women

Probably should be black desu senpai

why is he screaming

don't care

Europe is named after a Middle Eastern woman

>a twist
>gender politics

>Kaos is described as "a darkly comedic and contemporary reimagining of Greek mythology, exploring themes of gender politics, power, and life in the underworld.

>zeus rape mind
In the same second, no less. Don't see that very often.

>Exploring themes of gender politics

It's gonna be about strong independent vaginas BTFO-ING the evil men and plus miscegenation because that's Netflix's calling card.

>Europe is named after a Middle Eastern woman
Europa is named after a Middle Eastern woman that was kidnapped and raped by a CHAD GREEK GOD BULL

>Posiedon gives Minos the greatest bull of all
>its white
>its so hot that Pasiphae bangs it

>Exploring themes of gender politics
Like how women don't really take issue with fucking farm animals or their children. Let's talk about that.

>greek AND roman

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Europa's law

Just play God of War. It tells a cool story with Roman and Greek mythology and is from a time where social mediam faggotry didn't exist.

Greek > Roman

>they wont even talk about the cult of saturn
Whats the point?

>Roman and Greek mythology

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The description sets off many red flags.
>modern twist
>gender politics
Hard pass


So modern day Africa?

Oh hey, this might actually revive interest in the greek stories the way Wonder Woman did-
>Exploring gender politics
Whelp, everyone's gonna ignore this one too.

I mean after Who, Westworld, Batwoman and Supergirl, how many times do they have to get that cramming this stuff in only leads to numbers dwindling? Every time, numbers just go right the fuck in the toilet.

The only upswing is it doesn't annoy me anymore, whatever they were trying to do, they failed.

Will they include this too?

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>modern twist
Meaning all the characters will be niggers.

What would be funnier is if they were all white and social media protested that they didn't put any diversity into it. That'll really show how crazy the world is.

At this point, I'm wondering if China bribed them to intentionally tank movies and projects so that they can sweep it up for pennies on the dollar.

>Press Square: The Game
No thanks nigger

>Meaning all the characters will be niggers.
only the men , the women will still be huwhite

If it's just about the story, playing it is irrelevant.

This board of mythlets and culturelets is going to seethe when the show inevitably has gay shit in it. Can't wait.

Fuck it just watch some Harryhausen. Not sure if there are other decent classical mythology movies or shows I remember one with Sean Astin but it was very very low budget and that's sadly the only thing I remember.

hera and athena do kick ass, just not zeus's ass

>modern twist
>gender politics
into the trash

Come at me bro

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Let me guess.
>shoehorned ahistorical token niggers
>men/patriarchy bad
>women/matriarchy good
>white blond god will be main villain
>mystery meat god will be main hero
Anything else I missed?

>gender politics
did you know women weren't even considered human in greek mythology?

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It's gonna be garbage.

Probably the only accurate thing they'll include

>Anything else I missed?
Pedophilia ABOUND. These people cannot hide their love of children.

All the gods, especially Zeus wi be dumb men. All the goddesses will be hyper competent queens.

>sisyphus rolling boulder up hill
>white women keep pushing it down

Greeks were pedofaggots. I don't care if they smear their reputation with niggers.

>modern twist

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>a modern twist on Greek and Roman mythology
>It's about gender politics
We should try to find a way to b8 ISIS into bombing Netflix HQ or something. Jesus Christ they truly have no shame

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they were literally sent to earth to as a punishment for man lmao

>men/patriarchy bad
>women/matriarchy good
>white blond god will be main villain

Guarantee that will be the Apollo/Artemis dynamic.

You did forget Artemis will be a bull dyke for the LGBT representation though.

Andromeda was an ethiopian princess

the meme so supreme he let out a scream

Comedy hasn't existed since 2016

Well at least that part will be accurate

Gay shit makes sense, the whole modern projection of feminism onto Greek mythology not so much

>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!

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>puts a modern twist on Greek and Roman mythology, exploring themes of gender politics
Create your own fucking stories rather than constantly infecting and re-writing existing ones, you fucking parasites.

Athena will OUTSMART and SLAY stupid male gods who are all characterized by negative emotions like rage or greed or some shit.

Based retard

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Imagine the people who apply. Disgusting

>a darkly comedic and contemporary reimagining of Greek mythology, exploring themes of gender politics, power, and life in the underworld
Please, cuck me out of this shit.

inject bleach

Spartacus was full of gay shit and Yas Forums fucking loves it

What’s the fascination zoomers have for Greek and Roman mythology ?

>>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!

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>Zeus will be a retard mustache twirling villain. And he will stay "white" since nogs can't be bad
>Athena or Hera will be the MC's or are the good guys
>Optionally the MC's is the nog
>Plot revolves around trying to defeat Zeus who's being sexist
There, got you a basic plot outline

Probably realizing they are living in a decaying civilization on par with rome but even worse because there's 3 billion chinamen who are preparing to enslave us in a techno surveillance hellscape

>this genre-bending series puts a modern twist on greek and roman mythology, exploring themes of gender politics, power and life in the underworld

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kys jew

>he thinks the MC won't be a nog
>he thinks the MC won't fuck all the goddesses

They've seen through the lies of state schools, they want a superior classical education.

>tfw they didn't pick Hindu mythology
Atleast my boy was spared a bullet

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will there be tiddies?

of course

I wouldn't worry. These cunts wouldn't dare criticize a POC religion.