Why don't we get smooth jivin' black characters in movies anymore like Lando or Apollo Creed?

Why don't we get smooth jivin' black characters in movies anymore like Lando or Apollo Creed?

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look at my jacket, slick

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Muh racial stereotyping.
Black characters now have to act like white characters, so show that we're all the same underneath or some shit.

>oh yeah, THAT happened

>so show
to show

the only nigs like that any more are old

Because portraying blacks as anything other than kangz and doctors and scientists would be raaaaaacist. Duh.

>Carl Weathers is in The Mandalorian
>Have a moment of confusion before I remember that a different actor portrays Lando

Except he's a fag who got fucked in the ass by Chewie because he's "omnisexual."

the Jive Talkers were rounded up and slaughtered in the early 1980s

Black guys who were born in the 30's and 40's had strong families and good hearts, their entire culture didn't get Kiked at that point, no gang culture and shit like that, also, their parents would have grown up in much more racist times, so they likely taught their kids to appriciate the easier life that they never got
Also modern media is completely cucked and portratying a black character as anything other than the sort of white dude that white dudes don't want to be, or a European royal just doesn't happen


Black dudes legit are trannies now.

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Same here. The weird thing is that looking at them side by side, they don't look super similar.

Well they had similar haircuts, mustaches, and played cool cats in the 70's-80's, so that's why I think I got confused. Weathers sounds pretty based though. Got the Rocky part cause he had no compunctions about criticising Stallone's acting to his face and had to train Stallone up cause he was already an athlete and outperformed Stallone too much in the ring to make Rocky going the distance believable.

Because these characters, while sometimes brash and arrogant, are also noble and heroic. This is unacceptable to the establishment; although they claim to have the best interest of blacks at heart, they don't want to promote good black role models. They only want pawns - blacks as helpless victims of a society which resents them, over which they have no control. Successful blacks would become wealthy, and would therefore try to preserve that wealth. The establishment prefers to drip-feed them resources, not enough for them to succeed, but just enough to keep them alive, and voting for said establishment.

nice doggo laddo

I've seen the racialist arguments that it's all mainly genetic but it's always something I struggle to reconcile with reality considering all the blacks and Asians and such I've gotten along with that have come from good homes and backgrounds and people of my own ethnicity I have hated that come from broken shitty wastelands. I don't have some blinkered open doors wishy washy bullshit either but the vibe from my personal experiences is that the environment is deciding factor whether I'm gonna be speaking to a black guy that can end up being my friend or a violent nigger that's a second from chimping out

Nonsense the crips and bloods were founded in the 60s by afro-Americans born in the 30's and 40's.

The Crips founders were by two guys born in the 50's that weren't even 20 when the gang was formed.

The natural assumption is to assume nirture over nature because that's how it is with white people, but it just isn't the case with blacks. The caoacity for civilization is an outlier for them and the majority of successful black families regress to the mean, even when completely separated from other blacks culturally and geographically.

Assuming this is absolutely correct, then it's one of those realities that really is not unpleasant and you do not wish to accept, or one where your personal experiences simply are so much more powerful than statistcs and clinial bar charts, so you're resistant as all hell to dismissing an entire race.

"To all Gryffindors... Cheers. Cheers, my friends. It has been an honour. Cheers!"

>Dumbledore fixes his eyes on the Slytherin table, completely ignoring Ravenclaw and the other one

"Now Slytherin... I know we have had our differences, but your ambition and hard work is truly something to behold. Admirable!"

>the Slytherins are cautious. Dumbledore usually follows up a praise with some humiliation and injustice

"Indeed, I have a special treat for you all because of these traits. It's so good, that you'll love it despite its Muggle origin. It is a large apparatus which all of you can fit in which will confer all of you a deeply unique experience that shall benefit us all. A chamber of sorts. I have had that room over there fitted with the apparatus. Move along, children, shuffle into it now. You too, Snape*

>the Slytherins flood into the room, some cautious and some excited

>Dumbledore slams the door shut and enchants it to be locked and airtight. He turns to the other houses

"And that special treat? That "unique experience" the Slytherins shall all experience and you all won't?



>He said calmly. Dumbledore's mouth foams during his blood-crazed tirade, the hall erupts into applause and a massive, inter-house orgy ensues. The Slytherins begin dying in the gas chamber. As Malfoy chokes on his own blood, Harry proves himself to be a sexual dominant member of the orgy

>Dumbledore looks on with pride

>Years later Harry Potter recounts these events to his son, Albus, at bedtime, with Ginny smiling warmly at the memory.

"And that's how Dumbledore exterminated the Slytherin scum. HEIL GODRIC! Dumbledore truly was the greatest headmaster of them all, and a good friend"

Giving black actors good roles and high paying gigs is blaxploitation

You're a better man than many these days. Racist ideologies implode on contact when you've met people from other cultures and races who cannot possibly overlap with the caricatures that Yas Forums insist are the norm. It's true that certain regions of the world beget more horrible people than others, but just as bad genes can be bred out of animals, bad memetic traits (and I mean memetic in the original sense) can be bred out over generations of contact with democracy and free society. Blacks in the US would have literally achieved true equality by now if certain political interest had not conspired to keep many of them poor, uneducated and voting.

There isn't a single region with a majority black population that thrives

being around blacks causes racism, not the other way around

Is there a clear point where hollywood started putting black men in dresses?

how did they get away with cloning them?

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This is just another fairy tale to take away responsibilty from negroids.

The collapse of families, culture, jobs, hasn't any other race harder than it has with negroids. Why? Because negroids don't thrive when they things are easy for them

Western society worships negroids, and this is the result...total degeneracy

you vs the nigga she tell you not to worry about


He was as artificial and forced as possible

> Racist ideologies implode on contact when you've met people from other cultures and races who cannot possibly overlap with the caricatures that Yas Forums insist are the norm.
Hardly. You assume that the stereotypes are a complete 100% application to the entire race with zero room for exceptions. This is not really the case, as exceptions do exist. Yas Forums would say there's no good Jews, except for honorary goy like Bobby Fisher and Stanley Kubrick who had become enlightened to the sins of their fellows. Many blacks detest the whole nigger part of their race, and wish for the betterment of their fellows. To eschew the chains of UNGA BUNGA MUH DIK MUDDAFUCKA SMDH YPIPOL DONT DO SPICE.

>Blacks in the US would have literally achieved true equality by now if certain political interest had not conspired to keep many of them poor, uneducated and voting.
They've been given decades worth of free college education at this point. Explain why, despite having free education, blacks still make up significant portions of academic probation populations.

Because all black people are niggers now and they want representation

This guy gets it. In the 30s and 40s, they put their egos aside to provide for their families like men do. Now, they can't grow up. Granted, this isn't a problem unique to their race.

>Granted, this isn't a problem unique to their race.

I doubt that somewhat. There is probably a tendency for community parenting with negroids as this would resemble their tribal history

Because it's not the 70s anymore, blacks don't act like that now, and if they wrote black characters like that it would be out of place. Granted they don't write black characters realistically anyway, because they would have to be popping xannies, drinking cough syrup, mumbling barely intelligible slang and shooting each other over shoes or some dumb shit. I would actually welcome such an honest portrayal though.

>as exceptions do exist
Not with Jews. They really do all protect the tribe in their own little way. 3,000 years of this parasitic shit, even if the original bloodline is expired.

that dude comes across like an effeminate fag

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>Black characters now have to act like white characters, so show that we're all the same underneath or some shit.

Until they have to disparage their cast mates making them revert to ebonics.

Black Dynamite was the last one we got.

No they don’t, what they hell are you talking about?

Nearly every black character in modern movies is an easily frightened, wisecracking moron unless the film is about racism

Carl Weathers was too based. Fantastic physique.

Attached: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers Predator.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)