Would this make for a good movie? I can already see some great casting calls

Would this make for a good movie? I can already see some great casting calls.

> Christian Bale as Arthur Morgan
> John Paul Tremblay as Dutch Van der Line
> Domhnall Gleeson as Sean Maguire
> Michael Pena as Javier Escuella
> Bill Murray as Uncle
> Scarlett Johansson as Sadie Adler
>Zooey Deschanel as Abigail Roberts
> Christina Hendricks as Karen Jones
> Zoe Saldana as Tilly Jackson

Would you watch it?

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no, videogames are cringe

>Idris Elba as Dutch
>Michael B Jordan as Arthur Morgan

Dilate tranny. Video games are redpilled and gamergate was the first strike against the feminazi menace.

>> Domhnall Gleeson as Sean Maguire
>> Michael Pena as Javier Escuella
>> Bill Murray as Uncle
Those would be good.

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There are waaaaaay too many Westerns that already exist.

Christian doesn't have the twinkly sad charm needed for Arthur

cringe discord zoomer falseflag post

the first one was so much better

Yeah and 90% of them were made in the 50’s through 70’s.


get a job

The first one is better for a film cause of its more compact story.


>people who vaguely look like the characters are good casting choices

based retard

fpbp, kill yourselves manchildren

I don't really see what you could do with a movie that they didn't already do with the game.

this, also has more kino scenes
>assault on fort mercer
>first arrival in mexico
>rescue of mex rebel leader

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>John Paul Tremblay
Goddamn he even looks like Dutch

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Honestly, seeing how cinematic both RDR games already are, it's kind of pointless to adapt it. Not that I wouldn't watch it. At least it's cinematic nature will make it likelier for the movie to turn out good than for instance a DOOM movie.

I think Urban would be better as Arthur or Dutch.

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Those casting choices are pretty reddit, ngl.

even the best video game scripts make shit tier flicks. Westerns were done to death from the 50s onwards. Just watch unforgiven

Make it less long and with recognisable actors. That's it really.

Rockstar games are already mash-up homages/rip-offs of existing iconic movies, adapting them into movies wouldn't work, they'd just feel like the artificial collection of tropes and genre clichés they are.

To be fair, those scripts are often heavily altered for some reason, so we end up with a different, shittier story. Just look at what they did to DOOM and Resident Evil.

Boring game, would be an even more boring film.

this is generally true although i'm not sure arthur's particular arc is one i've seen done before in the western genre (though I'm sure it has)

Cast him


you can't just write off a genre for being over populated.... modern and neo westerns have been the true gems of the last decade

video game stories are told across hours and hours and it is impossible to translate storylines like that to a much shorter medium such as film so they by nature have to be heavily altered. the problem is that the projects are only greenlit if studios think it will make money and that only happens if run of the mill familiar names get attached to it. so then you get some fucking asshole screenwriter taking liberties with source material he isn't intimate with. you're just left with a shredded, watered down version of video games.

also, how would even translate doom to a compelling storyline? i get what you mean with resident evil though. the earlier games could make perfect horror movies in the hands of a safe film maker. unfortunately, they have been controlled by someone who likes action schlock

and what is this trend of "the character is in their 20's or 30's here's an almost 60 year old to play them" shit in every single thread?

>Christian Bale as Arthur Morgan
Stopped reading there, that whiny pussy doesn't have 1/10th of the talent needed to play Arthur

the stranger side missions were more kino too

Who said it? Dutch or Julian?

Detective Milton played by Walton Goggins

>arthur's arc

i really dont even get how this is claimed. Arthur is treated as if he had some grand narrative but it's entirely conjectured. arthur began the game as a outlaw right-hand man whose "worst act" is the player-option to pragmatically kill someone who identified him and couldve told the sherrif. otherwise beating people as an enforcer for usury. the conclusion of the game seems to make him out to have sought redemption from being a serious monster but you dont do anything truly controversial in the entire game. rockstar pussied out because of the fear of controversy

Pete Postlethwaite would be even more ideal if he were still alive

cast him.

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Idris Elba

The attack on Torquemada was my favorite.

this is the only good casting recommendation in this thread

>not casting Chris Pine as Arthur Morgan

Come on

cast him

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Oh you got a plan do you dutch, did you read that in one of your books?

>Would this make for a good movie?

I don't even have to play it to know that the writing is shit


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