Who are they bowing to?

Who are they bowing to?

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They bow to no one.

The jews


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Why doesn't Iron Man just make a cure? Even Batman made a cure in Batman Begins

paint is fucking useless

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my friends...

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someone add CIA

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unironically cute

Ive got you covered bossman

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they're letting him pass

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>Chief using the ugly 343I armor set

use Paint 3D instead

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holy mother of cringe

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we've already had this fucking thread, with actual decent shoops, but no. lets have the SAME fucking thread again with really shitty paint edits of already better OC. I fucking hate this place and I hate all you retarded zoomers who keep spamming the board.

>not all heroes were cap-

my mom


shut up faggot, the apu one is pretty good.

who's CULO is that?

I need to see the delegates, Donald.


Manhattan could deleted the virus entirely.

This is awful lmao

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I fucking love this place

damn Chavez looking mad thick



Do one but with Lady Gaga and the black guy

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