You're going 80 miles per hour

>you're going 80 miles per hour
>how long will it take to go 80 miles?

Attached: 80 miles.jpg (639x671, 124.99K)

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it depends on the road

American education lmao

is this a trick?

You never stated it was a constant speed so there's not enough information to give an accurate answer.

what does E-Y-E-S spell?

Attached: eyes.jpg (354x645, 169.94K)

how much petrol is in the car?

Well I can run 1 mile in 10 minutes, so...

this, if the road has curves then you're not actually going 80 miles because velocity is in one direction

then you wouldn't be going 80 mph

if he worded it more like an actual human being and not a dumbass it would make sense

at face value he wants to know how long it would take to drive 80 miles, but any clever person would ask him if he meant how long would it take to reach a speed of 80 MPH or how long it would take to drive 80 miles

>Y E S spells yes
>what does E Y E S spell?

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Including dumping this ugly brainlet and finding a new gf, it'd take Yas Forums about 30 years + 1 hour.

>that girl is merely a 5/10 in america

I'm jealous of your country bros

they're talking about speed, not velocity

use the metric system you retards

According to the aversge friction on a well kept road around 60 min and 32 seconds.
But then you have to consider that the average american consumes 4 rolls of toolet paper every day. Thays 16 rolls/day for a family of 4 and upwards of 800 tp for the averaga family every year.
Where do these used up tp go? On the road of course. That makes everything harder to calculate.


This is what happens when women try to be smart when they should just be getting their fat ass back on that peloton.


I'm attracted to her stupidity
what does this mean bros?

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you have low self esteem so you go for women with flaws because it makes you think you'd have a chance

>yes, use globalist units! Those 'imperial' units are so problematic because they remind people of the time you still had empires...

that you're stupid like me

You are probably insecure about your own "intelligence" and you are scared of an idea of your gf being smarter than you.

It means you're a really high IQ man looking for a low IQ mate to have normal children.

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You think you can change stupid. You can't.

She turns into a 3/10 once she opens her mouth

depends on the traffic

Imagine being this fucking retarded. It doesn't matter what direction you go in dumb fuck.

this was my maternal grandparents
my grandpa was a research scientist at a university, my grandma was functionally illiterate, my mom came out with average intelligence

Piss off globalist shill. Us, Liberia, and Burma are getting on fine without that gay shit.


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it's implied, retard

why are you always doing mental gymnastics to find "good" reasons to be stupid, instead of just admitting you're in the wrong

Some people just dont do well being put on the spot like this. It has nothing to do with intelligence.

What's the traffic like?


I have a 125iq and love dumb girls because they're nice and sweet and the only thing they ever get angry at is their own stupidity (which is cute)

No, that's retarded. As soon as the girl asked the question I immediately knew the answer was fucking 80 mph.

what if its an 80 mile circuit then after an hour you're back where you started and haven't actually gone anywhere at all check mate retard

At least an hour and a half if not more. You'd most likely be pulled over for speeding, as highways or motorways are typically limited to 70mph.

Youre just a creep looking for girls with a childlike mentality.

I'm pretty intelligent and I've dated girls at my level and its fucking annoying
they tend to over analyze everything, they're never that emotionally attached, and they usually always have some mental disorder like anxiety or something

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this is bait but at least it makes sense
everyone else should try harder

I would have hit her

>I'm pretty intelligent
I have a bigger intelligent than you

So just girls then.

Uh no? I don't want a gf that plays with Legos and shits herself.

Imagine having siblings and parents that love you enough to spend time pranking you

>I don't want a gf that plays with Legos and shits herself.
good job asshole, now you made rooney sad

This too.

High IQ girls are mischievous and manipulating. Dumb girls are too dumb to do any of that. They're more focused on being pretty and drawing cute pictures and telling you they love you.

you're dumb

Thank you, fren.

What does E-I-E-I spell?

>I can't divide by 1

I'm dying in this country ass fucked up town
Shit flying in my mouth

Attached: dafuqisthat.jpg (623x428, 26.84K)

The anxiety thing is just something almost every "career woman" yuppie chick has now. It's just a given at this point.

This nigga says 'depends on the road' hahahahaha

>imagine being raised in a functional household

I guess that's why we're all here

You still traveled 80 miles? Lmao this dude

They didn't go over displacement in your physics class?