Bruh this nigga retarded

bruh this nigga retarded

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>try to figure out a solution that isn't "dude just stay home for 2 years until bill gates perfects his mircochip lol"
watch it actually be possible in 6 weeks, like how he "predicted" sunlight helps (which everyone already knew)

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Go back.

Trump is a genius and dubs confirm.


>Bill gates wants to microchip everyone,
so is this a thing or not? I cant tell if people are being serious

>y-you can’t browse more than one website!
Memes aside, I never understood this mentality. Everyone uses Reddit at least sometimes, don’t pretend like you don’t.

Unironically there is nothing wrong with microchipping amerimutts like the dogs they are so their jewish masters make sure they don't get lost.

Why the fuck does everyone take everything he says and analyzes it so god damn hard? People say shit all the time, relax. He's thinking out loud.

i hope dummies take his advice

it is irresponsible for the president to "think out loud" during a public broadcast. There are very stupid and impressionable people in this country

dude just drink bleach lmao

>y-you're taking it out of context, l-l-LIBTARD!

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So it's not the presidents fault, it's the literal retards in this country.

>this is the standard americans have for the most powerful person in the world

Cry more about it

I knew Trump was very stupid but I never thought I'd hear him say "inject bleach" to millions of Americans. That's beyond stupid.

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How is this Yas Forums?


Lol and here come all the libtards taking it out of context

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when you are in a position of power part of the responsibility is literally on you
non arguments you fucking morons

Public officials don't "think out loud" on a fucking stage, in fact if they're remotely sane they don't say anything in front of a pulpit that isn't specifically sanctioned by experts, ESPECIALLY not if it's related to public health.
I don't know what chaotic third world country you come from where you let illiterate, clueless morons come up with shit on the fly during a presentation. If he was in a company meeting he'd get fired, but apparently the literal president of a country doesn't abide by basic standards?

The apologism for absolute mongoloid behaviour that comes out of poltard mouths is peak degenerate ape behaviour
>big ugg tribe chief say no wrong, big chief man always right, ooga booga.

he was just being ironic

republitards, name ONE (1) good reason that Trump should be president and not the more mentally competent Pence

What the fuck was it

Fucking hilarious. I love Trump, but what is even funnier is the people trying to defend him on this one.

He fucked up and should never have babbled all this nonsense, but either way i got a good laff out of it

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haha the most powerful person in the world was just shitposting, epic!

it aired on tv, dumb dumb

Electricity bills will be cheaper under Trump, at least.

yeah like people who read mainstream news

Because I'm worried pence wont do as much for israel

Christ, these fags don’t hide it anymore.

hard kek at all the seething

this is shit because every is so personally invested in it you can't honestly just find it funny and then move on.


Fuck you, you hook nosed little worm.

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It's a symptom of their seethe. Don't judge them for it, it's not their fault.

Just got my stimulus check in the mail, he could dance naked on live tv and he'd still get my vote come November. Face it, your pathetic psyop has failed. Badly. Slink off back into the shadows like the globalist coward you are and watch trump keep winning.

Why is it that the most human person we have as President, the more he gets criticized? He's a human. He acts like a human.

I am pro human.

yeah user. next time Biden says some dumb shit I will remember this.

Oh God, I didn't know he was so stupid?? I've been a massive Trump supporter since 2016. I feel incredibly embarrassed and ashamed right now. I will still continue to support him though.

>wahhh why can’t an influential figure in our modern society be allowed to say stupid shit wahhh
when this Corona thing is over please consider not going back to school or else you’ll kill all your classmates with your retarded behaviors you underage faggot

Liberals are even more retarded for making a big deal out of everything he says. Blind hatred makes you stupid.
>inb4 jews
I said blind hatred

That's not a solution, it's killing people you retard

>Despite the constant negative press covfefe

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President’s don’t think out loud user. What they say can sway the markets like a motherfucker

republicans dont realize how much they're going to be the laughing stock of history for how much they just keep doubling down on a plainly retarded man
like yes you want a republican in office, we get that, but you had your chance to put Pence in place, you had your chance to primary him, and you had your chance to establish a viable Republican opposition to him (e.g. bernie bros hating biden) but no they've completely gone full retard in favor of him and it's hilarious

It's a good thing you never heard that then.

This fucking level of cope

sure, dont care who you paint as the enemy, people in positions of power have to realize their messages CAN and WILL be heard by fucking stupid people, and you need to take that into consideration in regards to your speech, optics, etc. This is kindergarten level shit. If hillary, bernie, or some faggot dem said the same shit you people would be at their throats.

What does that have to do with Pence? Can you read?
>also being so poor you got your check in the mail rather than direct deposit

well like
why can't you disinfect the lungs

There's no way he is this stupid. He's a businessman. I'm sure there was an intelligent reason as to why he said what he did

get trolled on xing pao

>there are trannies that actually hate trump in this thread

>be trumptard
>go outside during pandemic because president tweets "LIBERATE YOUR STATE"
>make sure to bring your AR-15 because muh open carry
>facebook message your buddies to come with but some are in the hospital and others have to go to their baby's funeral because measles came back
>shoot at some 5g towers
>go back home after succesful protest
>turn on tv
>president says inject bleach

Now this, this is how you make America great again.

Excuse me but democracy hinges on the ability for the masses to think for themselves.

try arguing like a biy boy this time you fucking invalid

Oh no a lispy barista with a pencil wrist is gonna think im lame what ever am i to do other than snap him in fucking half with limited effort

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>liberals make too big a deal out of what he says
>some pol trump schizos have literally died to corona and his quack medicines
>noo it's liberals who are dumb!

"Just spitballing here, but what if everyone listening to me now just chugged a gallon of bleach. That'd really be something, wouldn't it?"



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cope and dilate

Theres nothing wrong with what he asked. They gave him an answer. The media would rather focus on his question than on the answer. The medias job is to spread information not hysteria


At the end of the day there's only one thing that matters: Republicans are in charge, and you're not. Trump is only a means to an end.

Who the fuck cares? Just wait until november and we can see who was truly wrong.

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No, this is the turning point.
I've spent FOUR YEARS getting DABBED ON by liberals for voting for this man. No more.
I'm off the train, this incident proves to me that ANYONE else is better.

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Great, we can just elect a dog for president next time then.

>"And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going test it"
>"And I think you said you’re going test that too"
Who was he talking to?

good to know your vote can be bought. Hilarious how you have the nerve to call people globalists yet bow down to the almighty boot of daddy government when they are giving you a check. Might as well dye your skin black.

It's all the same diversive obvious shill posts. Clearly you and your discord buddies are working hard in here being demoralizing, so if I reply to one of you I'm replying to all of you.

ah bloo bloo, dilate

Is there like a reddit discord or something you all come from?

>You are only human if you act retarded

Defend that you utter retard