Iger and Chapek Livid With Lucasfilm

Alright, I usually am the one explaining what's going on behind the scenes, but I could use a little help with this one. I've got a friend in the know who says this morning (Pacific Time), both Bob Iger and Bob Chapek are unhappy with Lucasfilm and there is faster than normal movement going on to get high level meetings going. What the heck is going on? I'm on the road, so I can't dig on this, but what could possibly be going on with Lucasfilm that would create a scurry when everybody is basically working from home if at all? The term used was "livid" but I just can't imagine what they could possibly have done.

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I was working at Disney for about a year, and seems likely
Managment is very temperamental and incompetent

ROS didn't make any money , there was news articles about it yesterday

>I'm on the road, so I can't dig on this,
Nigga nobody is on the road. You are in your mothers basement


Disney pedos doing annual child sacrifices but corona is making it harder to kidnap inspecting children. everyone on edge.

The gooks are planning a hostile takeover

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>He thinks the FCC would allow it

Let me ask my dad, he works in nintendo. Enjoy this song while i dig on this bro.

All female star wars series was announced and creator is another anti white anti male cunt who had to purge half her Twitter account

>What the heck is going on?
Much as how the year on year revenue for He Man went from 400 million to 7 million after a single year of it trying to cater to both boys and girls, Star Wars is on a rapid decline sales wise, and despite the bump from The Mandalorian and Clone Wars the decline isn't being stopped, and now news of a new series that's received a universally negative response is out. Of course there's a lot of movement at the upper levels, Kennedy's gang is destroying what's left of Disney's largest single franchise and they're trying to put out the fire. Disney's shareholders have sued over less, and won, and unlike other studios they also have a history of forgoing the golden parashoot and formalities of going separate ways and just kicking people out the door. Even Bob could end up unemployable as anything other then a complete independent over this whole fiasco, to say nothing of Kennedy being even more doomed if no one is retarded enough to scoop her up to let her destroy their company too.

Who's known to be talentless, have nothing on her resume that qualifies her to work on Star Wars, and has the baggage of being Harvey Weinstein's secretary to boot.

>he thinks the FCC would stop it

>He thnks the FCC wouldn't when it already put a bunch of restrictions on Disney for buying Fox and on t Viacom for merging with CBS

Maybe a decade ago when China wasn't in an economic crisis and Obama was in office it might have happened, but now? Hell no.

It's possible that they noticed that right after the annuncement of a female centric Star wars, there was a significant number of people who cancelled their DisneyPlus subscription.

Oh shit son

>and Obama was in office
Good one

Did anyone save her tweets before she deleted them? I wonder what she said.

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Trashing white people. That's how you know she's a kike

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>"It is a truth universally acknowledged that an ugly woman is far more likely to be a feminist than a hot one."
That's one ugly Lego head bitch.

Jesus Christ it’s like Patton Oswalt with a wig

she’s like an uglier, much less chill version of that one chef that’s on the cooking channel

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It's a fucking dude, ffs.

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Star Wars is pretty much totaled. I will never ever pay to watch or buy thing to do with star wars.


>‘Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker’ Lowest Profit Of Disney Trilogy Titles

>This resulted in net profits of $300M for Rise of Skywalker, which were lower than spinoff Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ($319.6M) but much better than Solo: A Star Wars Story which lost close to $77M.

"Didn't make any money" is a bit of an exaggeration

Can't wait for you to quote yourself as the anonymous source for a clickbait article for your own faggot website

Kids these days get excited by TikTok and minecraft, not Star Wars

That's a demon.

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How did I get here?

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