post cringe kino
Post cringe kino
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Absolutely based
i could only make it 20 seconds before the cringe became too painful
If you don't meet women in regular situations in life, this is your only chance.
This. I shut it off after the second occurrence.
I just heard the "hi" and im back here
the heartbeat makes this unsettling
Why does he do it?
is this an /n/ poster?
>rides up to you on a bike
Fucking mad chad lad
Well faggots, how would you do it?
What the fuck is this?
>he actually replies in the comments
cheeky monkey
do what?
yikes, this was a rough one. I made it to: "something tells me I have to talk to you".. about 40 seconds.
>sells bike
>buys wife
your move
This is extremelly based and quite redpilled must I say
Approach a girl on the street?
Is he trying to be a PUA or something?
>tfw read the game as a younger man
>spoke to girls autisticly about the weather and shoes I'm getting for my sister (as recommended in the book
>everyone at school thinks I'm a gay autist
PUA not even once
i wouldnt. random bitches walking around the street arent out looking to get picked up on. they are doing chores/shopping/whatever. if a bitch is interested in you she would approach you. if you want to go hit on random women do it in a bar or another setting where the women are going there specifically to hook up or whatever.
Probably ask out a woman who I know rather than someone I randomly picked out in the street
Is that a real time heart beat monitor?
this is what you Yas Forums virgins do every day so don’t try to act above that guy
i invite all of you white virgins to go out and have sex
There's no art here. Be either rich, handsome, or confident and you can probably get laid every now and again.
I was with you until you suggested going to a bar, you only meet whores in bars.
I can't understand what he's saying
Is this the ultimate proof that PUAs were a scam?
counterpoint: all women are whores.
Most virgins on here are virgins because they're too autistic and neurotic to approach women. The guy in OPs video is autistic but low IQ so he actually tries.
Would it work if he had more charisma and no bike?
>you only meet whores in bars.
Only whores get "picked up" you rube
me when i fail the traffic light captcha again
Probably not because of the setting. Most of these women would have reacted very differently if he would have approached them at a party.
enjoy your stds then
I guess I was speaking from a non coom brain point of view, you don't meet women of value at bars so there's no point in going to them.
casual sex is bluepilled, being in a good relationship is where it's at.