I thought this movie was exremely racist towards jews and african americans. How could Adam Sandler, who is jewish...

I thought this movie was exremely racist towards jews and african americans. How could Adam Sandler, who is jewish, agree to do this movie? He should be ashamed of himself.

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The truth is a motherfucker ain't it?

Directors are jewish too, by the way.

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>movie portrays kikes as highly manipulative and greedy
>movie portrays niggers as stupid knuckledraggers
i was amazed the movie got made, but to the surprise of nobody im sure, the directors are kikes too

The truth and racist stereotypes are often one in the same.

adam sandler is unironically based

What was his fucking problem?

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be gone false-flagging netflix shill

Gambling addiction.

>imagine caring about jews

gambling addiction

Well then they should be ashamed of themselves.

>makes movies with his buddies now just for fun and for money
>turns out all this time he actually can act like a motherfucker too
Yeah, im thinking he's based too

He really isn't.

jews should be ashamed of themselves for their greedy self serving tricks and their manipulative ways? oh vey wut anudda shoah that would be

i felt distressed the entire length of this movie, and i loved it


>turns out all this time he actually can act like a motherfucker too
Well, we already knew that when Punch Drunk Love came out you pleb. Both him and Jim Carrey can act but they've chosen to be fucking garbage humans.

For me personally, the soundtrack made this film. The musical highs helped me feel the rush that Howie felt when one of his bets or stupid schemes goes through, especially at the very end

Yeah I saw Punch Drunk Love when it came out and forgot all about it, like virtually every other "serious" Sandler movie, like Click and Reign Over Me. idk about Jim Carrey though, Eternal Sunshine is overrated as fuck and every other "serious" movie he's been cast in is garbage. And now he's just totally insane after getting called out sacrificing his girlfriend.

Jim Carrey can't really act tho.. I mean sure at one point early in his career he had the ability to become a serious dramatic actor.. but he leaned too hard into the Jim Carrey-ness and his dramatic acting is just comical now.. He is the very definition of a 'over-actor".. Very try hard.

Sandler on the other hand actually has some range.. And Uncut Gems showed his ability to submerge himself into a character and this comes 25 years into his career.. Reign Over Me is another one.

I felt scammed, a total snooz fest, boring jew drama that only jews would watch.

>goyim still think they can understand this movie

lol, give up.

>Man on the Moon is garbage
Ok, kid.

Don't you mean that only nazis would watch? Because that's what this movie was. Literally just one anti-semitic stereotype after another. The fact that this movie exists is mind-boggling.

>Man on the fuck off Mr. Clifton nobody gives a shit
lol dude im intentionally being an asshole on purpose its for the movie man!

stereotypes are rooted in truth far more often than not, you dirty jew rat

>you dirty jew rat
This board has become infected with the Yas Forums.

>i felt distressed the entire length of this movie, and i loved it
Jesus, I loved the movie too but I fucking hate that this is all everyone has to say about it

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No, its become infected with tourist trash like you
