/who/ general

Rewatch Edition

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my fucking sides, god damn you user

McCoy > Tennant

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>ten would never give permission for violence and thats why i fucking hate john smith #DoctorOfMine
Do you agree?

bros i know we like to meme about 10 but he's still good, i'd rather watch ten years of him pretending to be the man who never would than watch a minute of S11-S12

isn't hating 10 just a meme at this point?

John Smith is a product of his time. Simple as.

Looks fine for his age, but I just watched his first appearance in who again and dear lord he was gorgeous back then.

It should have been recorded while he was running around, setting up the TARDIS and the Chameleon arch or whatever. Having him calmly sit down to talk to a webcam is jarring. Not to mention in the very next story he's calmly sitting down to talk to a camera yet again. It's just a niggle I have.

People only hate 10 here because normies love him as he was their first proper doctor/crush.

Martha is a genuis


>Redditfags and Trannies, we're at war!

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Is this the target audience for Doctor Who?

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Martha is unironically the best nuWho companion


would still do up the shitter

>'Cultural differences', again, the patronising... 'This is 1913!' #DoctorOfMine

that slap was BASED

the sad part is, the show used to be for everybody, him included. now it's only for people like him.

>even this literal tranny fag hated The Timeless Children and the dumb twist
Do you realise how badly you have to fuck up for this to happen?

ben roethlisberger?


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imagine being this guy


What does that mean?

I like how the family move like puppets

Who /blocked by paul cornell/ here?

don't use twitter, you utter dolt

Remember to not start watching the second part until 8.

So RTD rewrote a shitload of this


He says he still likes John despite their differing ideologies. This guy has the right idea, dumbass

15 mins

I can't tell if Cornell is being serious or a facetious ass


>Thanks everyone for DM-ing me humorous screengrabs of Cornell wanging on, but after thirty very long years I’m fully aware of exactly what he’s like.

Say it with me.

I'm digging the female master tbqh

Jesus, you are late.

yeah, I'm thinkin BASED

Is Cornell being a bellend?

Should I fuck a Taiwanese Who fan? They at least watched Hartnell subbed.


Meaning they're even less grounded. Oh dear.

Kek, really?

his episodes fucking suck