Wew, this does not hold up well

wew, this does not hold up well

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Absolutely not, especially the awful attempts at humor.

Jesus. Fucking hell, I watch any movie in real life, no matter how fucking random and forgotten it is.... and there’s a thread on Yas Forums about it.... I was literally watching this thing last night, what the fuck

The logic behind the foundation falls apart under scrutiny. But the movie is pretty good sci-fi fare.
7.5/10 worth watching

Same thing happened to me when I watched this.

It holds up just fine.

This is constantly happening to me, we have a connection with this place, it is a part of us and we of it

It had a lot of memorable moments: the sick sticks, the Jet packs, the eye surgery and the spiders, the cars. Been a long time since I seen it, but I loved it the first time.

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Catch Me If You Can was the better movie that year

Same here.
Fell asleep though, no spoilers please.

I re-watched it about 7 months ago, it's still great.
suck my dick, OP.

I'm not talking about the world im talking about the dumbass script and all these plot conveniences. I just got to the part where they "flush" themselves down the precog tube? What even is that? why is it there? and it drops them off miles away?

How did you know that I'm watching it right now? this always happen.

Are you fuckin' retarded?

Where does your bath water go, user?

Wait here, I'm going to jerk off to girls with big fat tits.

It was just added to Netflix
You fags literally watch what Netflix pushes to you like fucking drones.

Its a great film still and holds up well, i have no idea what you're talking about

Because you guys are syncing, just like women and their periods. It means you're gay.

Wake up

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If we were synced we'd both be watching it at the same time retard, that's literally what synced means.

pleb gonna pleb

He pays for Netflix. Disregard his opinion.

can you watch Drive next? I miss drive threads and driveposting

>Cruise Kino
>Not being a timeless classic

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I mean do acting attorney generals usually chase down criminals on foot? And join manhunts? Isn't he just a lawyer?

Looks like you got filtered hard. Stick to cartoons, son.

the old plant lady really hammed it up, that exposition dump was terrible

Stick to planes, Bane

Not necessarily, you could be living on different hemispheres.

Why are they letting this IT guy be such a creep to the pre cogs? He's definitely slipping his dick in them at night

Couldn't continue watching after they started flying on jetpacks. Those effects were the cheeziest shit ever. Spielberg is a weird Jew pedo and his movies are overrated shit.

Am i supposed to hate the old guy? he killed ONE little old lady to save MILLIONS of future lives

Psycho-Pass > Whito Piggu garbage