is the FBI really this evil?
This fucked me up
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Did they really just gloss over the child sex ring thing? Why do fudds love waco so much everybody was a literal cuck who deserved to die.
>still thinking the gubbmint give a flying fuck about you
Traps his kids in a cellar during a chemical attack.
"Why is the FBI so evil?'
>the child sex ring thing
>child victims deserve to die
let me guess, you're a democrat?
Are you JUST seeing this now? Dude it hasn't even been on tv in years. You are so slow. Nobody's even talking about this. What are you doing with your life? You want to come on here and talk about this shit? Nobody even remembers seeing this. What's wrong with you?
more so actually
>child sex ring thing
What? Even if that did happen it doesn't excuse feds murdering kids
Someone made a thread about it yesterday so expect threads about it daily for a bit
didnt even know about it til very recently. it was shilled on Yas Forums these past few days.
>Traps his kids in a cellar during a chemical attack.
fucking this lmao
the fbi is still retarded tho
>noooo you can't just set fire to the crazy xstian fudds who think the guy who cuckolds them and beats children is the messiah you gotta let khoresh impregnate my wife and daugter fuck you government bootlickers.
>Dude the government can just kill children
Both the adult davidians and the FBI faggots should have been killed though
Only innocent ones were the kids. Feds were retarded, adults in the compound were retarded cucks. All deserved to die except the kids
>fuck my wife turn the other cheek
Do xstians really?
is this some kind of a cool new phrase?
If you can hold your hands up and calmly walk out in the presence of law enforcement and you decide not to you deserve what you get.
There was no Child Sex ring. The compound was well known in the town. How the fuck would they hide it?
It was a communal living place because rent and house property prices were going way up in the 90s for families?
ATF literally shot before that could ever happen.
haha wow is this real
why are there shills on a board for discussing native american pottery timelapses
jews refuse to say the name of Christ unless they really have to
>trump re-election all but guaranteed
>ALL OF A SUDDEN kikeflix releases a documentary about the nazi ATF burning and killing a bunch of goodboys who dindu nuffin
How's chapo trap house this time of year
>child sex ring
Where the fuck did you get this?
The FBI was way worse in real life but so were the Davidians. It’s basically just a watered down version of the truth.
>be american
>get shot for not doing anything illegal
U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
>some kids were molested
>so we had to set them on fire
The ATF and FBI were shooting women and children that tried to leave.
Trump people don’t like the ATF or the FBI or any government interference for the most part. If anything this helps him.
That wasn't real. The only real thing was guns.
What's your BS excuse for Ruby Ridge, captain shillsalot?
Yes and it’s the first or last time they have done fucked yo shit like this also the CIA is even worse.
It's on Netflix now.
Lick the boot, copemaster
Oh yeah? What did the Davidians actually do that was so evil?
>kids are allegedly raped
>burn them alive along with their alleged rapists
Do amerifats really??????
yea but they didn't take out loans and buy homes and pay taxes they were living communal and were off the electric grid and use well water and home schooled their children!
Jesus, thinking of Ruby Rudge sends chills down my spine.
That woman
I mean, no one can rape them any more - seems like a win of sorts
Protecting the state is the priority, do you really think they were going to let these extremists live to spread their indoctrination?
ruby ridge justifies killing an unlimited number of feds
This isn’t a black and white situation idiot. There are no “good guys” vs “bad guys” in real life
Jesus, thinking of Ruby Ridge sends chills down my spine
>child shot in the back
>mother shot while holding baby
It's shit like that that blackpills you forever.
I'm the same age as the oldest daughter, and my parents were crazy homeschooling Christians.
Scared the fuck out of me.
>spread their indoctrination
The town they lived next to said they never caused any problems or tried to proselytize to anyone.
They were just a group of survivalist nuts, but it was completely voluntary.
Happy 14th birthday, son.
they've done way worse than ruby ridge bro
This, looks like a bunch of MIGA-tards who don't realize big government is the only way forwards.
>distribute potential mini pedos across the country
>get in and save as many as people as you can before these fucking morons burn themselves alive
Even if the FBI exacerbated the situation there's recordings of the pedos and they very deliberately set themselves on fire.
posted before I could finish
having sex with pubescent girls is not child sex
>off the electric grid
werent they connected to the grid? when they lost power they said the FBI cut them off.
well at least the Father of Ruby Ridge got a huge pay day...
you don't know what fudd means, kid
It's exactly why America went to war after 9/11
Gotta put down those extremists before they become a larger problem.
>most of his family killed
>at least they gave him shekels that they literally print
I don't know about that.
Shooting at a man trying to retrieve his dead son and shooting a mother IN THE FACE while she is holding her baby, all for NOTHING AT ALL, is pretty fucked. Those kids ( the ones that survived) are scarred for life.
The town was feeding them with children to abuse. Why the fuck would you listen to "the town"?
That court date wasn't such a bad deal after all, huh?
whoa dude, how deep does the conspiracy go?
I don't see anywhere in the bible where child polygamy is even legal. So this child sex ring rape gang shit makes no sense even for hard core christian survialist.
>hello I am retarded
You're right, Muslims are okay in my book.
Pretty much. There was talk in DC at the time that the ATF was going to be axed so they needed an excuse to prove they were "useful".
yeah nobody marries multiple young women in the old testament. definitely doesn't happen. especially close blood relatives.
Let freedom ring
>are alphabet soup agencies really this evil
Yes. The answer has always been yes, and it will always be yes.
The seething moralists ITT wouldn't give a shit about Jim Jones and his cult because they were lefties. Fucking hypoctites
The brave men of the FBI and ATF did this great nation an incredible service that day. Together they vanquished the evil "Crazy davey" Koresh and the Branch Davidsons, saving millions of American lives in the process. We should all be grateful that rough men stand on the brink ready to do violence on our behalf, so we can sleep soundly in our beds at night. God bless the FBI and the ATF and god bless America.
>why would acquaintances of the mothers who directly let their children be raped by a crazy guy try to clear their names
You're so dumb you think this is a conspiracy lmao
The child sex ring was proven false.
>*gets shot in the head*
Divide and conquer, eh?
>t. Crispy Koresh
>Howell, who acquired the position of spiritual leader from Roden, asserted it by changing his name to David Koresh, suggesting that he had ties to the biblical King David and Cyrus the Great [(Koresh is the Hebrew]{Cyrus is Greek for Persian Koorosh) version of the name Cyrus). In 1989 Koresh used his power as spiritual leader to take several "spiritual" wives, some of whom were as young as 12;[13] he wanted to create a new lineage of world leaders.[5] This practice later served as the basis for allegations that Koresh was committing child abuse, which contributed to the siege by the ATF.[14]
Did they really try to hide this?