>Fight Club is a critique of toxic masculinity
>The Matrix is an allegory of coming out as trans
>Starship Troopers is a satire of fascism
>Full Metal Jacket is an anti-war movie
>RoboCop is a warning against capitalism
>There Will Be Blood is an allegory of capitalism vs faith
>Joker is about socialist revolution
>American Psycho is satire of sociopathy between rich
>Star Wars rebels are supposed to be Viet Cong
>Die Hard is a Christmas movie
Fight Club is a critique of toxic masculinity
All true except die hard.
they can be perceived as such, but it isn't necessarily the intent of the filmmakers.
Most of those are unironically true. What point are you trying to prove?
All true except Joker
>I take pride in being a brainlet
Name a more cucked meme than wojak posting, I'll give you time.
All are true. Except for Die Hard
Got trannies on the brain?
>woah bro these children movies and basic action movies are actually about deep illuminati stuff bro! bro whattt???
Soijack genocide when?
>>I take pride in being a brainlet
>Name a more cucked meme than wojak posting, I'll give you time.
The only ones that actually might have truth to them are Fight Club and American Psycho
>>woah bro these children movies and basic action movies are actually about deep illuminati stuff bro! bro whattt???
It's not mutually exclusive. It can be both at the same time.
>le star troopers fascism meme
I don't get it. Isn't it basically America?
>American Psycho is satire of sociopathy between rich
That's literally the fucking point of both the book and the movie.
Why are conservatives so fixated on trannies? I mean how many picture does this closet homo have on his phone?
Stupidity will always be a thing, but you have to realize this is in your favor. You'd hate a reality where we're all equal or the same, trust me.
Holy shit do people seriously think that The Matrix is a metaphor for becoming a tranny?
>Holy shit do people seriously think that The Matrix is a metaphor for becoming a tranny?
Both of the creators were/are trannies. So yeah
He's not a conservative, he's a troll whose shtick is to state obvious things and pretend they're not the truth. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>Soijack genocide when?
*blows pitch pipe*
They should start blocking by Mac address on this site.
>Stupidity will always be a thing, but you have to realize this is in your favor. You'd hate a reality where we're all equal or the same, trust me.
Ujh these are all mostly true cept the matrix
>They should start blocking by Mac address on this site.
Based commie chad
Matrix is the best movie of all time even if it's about trans people
>>There Will Be Blood is an allegory of capitalism vs faith
This one is genuinely a brainlet take. It's a story of two charlatans who use the American institutions of capitalism and religion to con people, and the conflicts they have because they can see the other's fraud.
>Based commie chad
You're not wrong.