>Spike Lee
Well what did you expect?
um... mods? clean up on aisle KKK
Rent free
Good thing im yuro so I dont have to pretend Spike Lee is good director
>"in 25 years of this film release, not one black person has asked me why Mookie threw the trash can"
What did Spike Lee meant by this?
it was a twist ending brainlet, italians arent white
Black people come off as retards in this movie. Everyone is a dick in it.
I only saw the movie once years ago. Is this the j'st of it?...
>set in inner city during a time of racial tension
>Italian guy has pizza joint in Black neighborhood
>Black costumer thinks Black celebrities should have their pictures on the wall alongside famous Italians
>Owner says, "no it's my place."
>racial tensions rise
>during the riot a group of Black men burn down the pizza shop
>they go to the Korean guy's store to do the same thing
>Korean guy claims he is the same status as them
>(despite irl Koreans getting on roofs with guns and shooting looters)
>the disgruntled costumer from the beginning is shown to be in the right.
Did I miss something? Did the owner actually do anything out of line?
you forgot the part where the cops killed the negro with the stereo, thereby 'justifying' the arson (at least in Spike Lee's mind).
He meant that blacks are violent and feral creatures who understand reality through physicality
>the cops
understood. How does that translate to the restaurant?
you just described every spike lee movie
Cops were white.
Pizza shop owner was white.
Whites are bad.
Harm whites as a means of retribution for the crimes of other whites.
It's overt racism but it's fine because Spike Lee made it.
Spike Lee has been quoted as saying that the restaurant arson was just property damage, while the death of the stereo guy was a human life. Therefore, Lee claims, it is trivial as to whether or not the arson was justified.
Of course he's wrong, but that's his explanation.
did you like it?
I had drinks with my dad one night and eventually the subject of race and stuff came up and I started telling him about the Jews. He was willing to listen but didn't go in for it entirely. He said we should watch this film, which I had never seen but had heard of and had some vague knowledge of as being some pozzed bullshit. I didn't know at the time it was a fullblown Spike Lee film. He kinda pushed to watch it with me but I declined a couple times until he stopped.
He died a few months later. I regret not watching a movie with him before he did but I don't regret declining watching this bluepilled darkie garbage with him. I see what he was getting at with his reasoning behind wanting me to watch it.
I don't see what's so bad about the store owner only wanting pictures of Italians in his store. Also the black guy would skip work to go fuck his girlfriend so he's kind if an asshole. But yeah okay spike all whites are terrible
Spike Lee is a fucking hack lol
There's literally nothing wrong with it but Spike Lee is so stupid he equates not doing what a black person tells you to do with your own establishment means you're a racist. It couldn't possibly be because it was his place and his right to do whatever he wanted with it. Not putting up a picture totally justifies burning the place down because someone else got shot in an unrelated incident because slavery.
I need to rewatch this movie... I honestly don't think I saw that part.
So what do you guys want from black people? to be exterminated? to be educated?
if they would behave like normal people would you accept them then?
I want them to fuck off to africa. Ethnic and racial groups have always been separated throughout history, no shit there's gonna be a fuckton of tension if you put them together.
but it's too late for that, there are genuine afro people born in white countries
Low iq racist
Go back to Europe then
It’s actually one of his least racist movies (granted, this isn’t saying much). BlacKkKlansman (or whatever the fuck it’s called) was 100X more racist.
Black people are OK. It’s niggers I can’t stand.
Except almost none of them adopted the culture of the local country. They largely stick together in their own groups and leech off of the welfare system of whatever country they're in.
I am in Europe.
Wasn't this the only spike Lee movie to low key call blacks niggers? Everyone who is black in the movie is a fucking asshole except for mookienwho is just a pussy. The movie basically says racial tension sucks and is perpetuated by both sides.
Or it's Poe's law.
its actually a subtly redpilled movie about how racial anger is misdirected away from people with genuine power over others towards ordinary people.
>raheem yells at sal about the pictures in his place
>sal smashes the radio because raheem wont turn it off
>raheem attacks sal, an old man half his size
>police pull him off and beat him up, killing him in the process
>neighbourhood sees this, has two options
>direct their anger at the actual killers (the cops) who have guns, batons and the power of the state behind them
>or attack the restaurant of a defenseless private citizen who is in no way responsible for raheem's death
>they choose the safe and easy option because their anger doesn't need actual justice to be sated, just revenge
>despite irl Koreans getting on roofs with guns and shooting looters
Do The Right Thing came out three years before the LA riots and rooftop Koreans.
Sshhhhhh he doesnt know shit