you could make a great epic about the bronze age collapse and the sea peoples
Why is the bronze age so underutilized in film?
>boring shit
>why hasn't this been made into a movie?
gee, no clue
How can you make a movie about the sea peoples when nobody knows who they are?
Good idea OP, one of my favourite eras to read about. There's a risk of Hollywood fucking it up tho like with Troy
just use your imagination nigga, that hasn't stopped Hollyjew before
There were nomad barbarians use your imagination
Because only history nerds know about that shit. Teaching about Rome and Greece in public schools is probably already in decline because it's too "Eurocentric"
Kikewood would just fuck it up
Ramesses III defeating the sea peoples then realizing Egypt is basically screwed anyway because all other civilizations are totally destroyed would be an epic climax
what about kino about Aryan invasion on Indus Valley?
>still no Finno-Korean Hyperwar movie
Ancient Romans & Greeks were like Semitic/Arab-looking and certainly NOT whites: Germans & barbarians from the North? yes. Cope.
Why would want to see them infested with niggers from Kikewood?
absolutely based 70iq bro
there are already plenty of Persian/Iranian and India epics about this....
Whiteoids were behind the curve. Sheep shagging barbarians. North Africans and Mesopotamians were the civilized ones
>had to learn about Ghana instead of the greeks
seriously? post them pls
too many tiddies and feet
This. A Bronze Age flick would get very black very quickly. Buncha Tyrone chads with hot med and white blonde wives, and a token caveman looking motherfucker like pic-related just so the (((producers))) wouldn't take too much flack for blackwashing. The bad guys should be white barbarians with the leader looking like Hitler or trump, or some combination of them both. It'd be cringey, politically charged action-CGI fest instead of some artsy, comfy period flick (like one of Mel Gibson's or Ridley Scott's). Matter of fact, us Yas Forumscels should just put a moratorium on speaking about (((Hollywood))) making any more European history films for awhile because they're only gonna get BLACKED.
Daily reminder that Minoan women walked with bare tits and barefeet
as they should
I just watched the Stargate episode where the go that Minoan civ, I’m still mad they didn’t show their titties. Costume department really dropped the ball with that one
Will never be made because only Bollywood would care about it but at the same time Indians actually believe it never happened
Are they historically accurate though?
Imagine the smell
milk chariot just arrive
Yes, that's a good thing
Any kinos about neolithic europe being more advanced than the near east until kurgan yamnaya snow steppe nigs raped and destroyed everything?
agriculturist cope
I'm surprised there is no Epic of Gilgamesh adaption.
Sorry Gaiafag, the Skygod prevailed