Looking good, bucko.
Looking good, bucko
i didnt like this guy at first but he just keeps getting more based
He looks like he is dying.
What is he holding ?
looks like a lean, mean fighting machine
a remote control for a toy. He's a fucking vegetable after getting a sketchy surgery in Russia.
what do if my legs look like his? i have a hard time doing squats because bad knees
>He's a fucking vegetable
he's standing up
he has no choice. the extremists of today are the moderates of the future. some people need to experience the decline and not just see it coming
look up Athlean-X on youtube. dont mind the click-bait titles, it's actually very good information. his body speaks for itself. he was a trainer for the NY Mets (baseball)
can I get a quick rundown on what happened to him. I don't know anything about him aside from a few youtube videos where he made some good points about women and work
he was targeted with psychotronic weapons by glowniggers
The more I hear about this Peterson fella, the more I care for him!
Whichever program you might end up with, remember to eat well.
He washed his penis too much and went blind, temporarily.
got addicted to some kind of drug
>wife gets cancer
>starts using anxiolytics to cope with it
>gets addicted to them
>tries to get off them but can't handle withdrawal symptoms
>tries some experimental russian treatment and ends up in a coma
That's the gist of it
Wife got cancer and nearly died, took benzos to cope with the stress but fucked up trying to to quit them, now in recovery and out of the public eye.
Wheres the webm
Roiders give terrible advice. Look at the skinny retard he's training, still looks like shit.
He had a benzo addiction and it was wreaking having on his body, he had some sketchy surgery in Russia to fix it and now seems very different mentally
>leftards hate him because he rejects collectivism and thinks freedom of speech is a fundamental human right
>rightards hate him because he doesn't preach the superiority of the white race or hate jews
Yeah I'm thinking he's based
how come the bible didnt tell him not to abuse benzos?
Is his daughter still shilling that retard diet and posting her tummy on twitter?
Ya and she can stand up too.
It really highlights the retardation of extremists.
Maybe he should clean his daughter's bloodstream
post his daughter
he needs to clean his peen
he's literal shit. He lost to Zizek an auto-pilot while deducing an ideology from an 11 page pamphlet written for a party that never existed.
He also believes that the ancient Chinese knew about DNA.
I'd let her wash my penis
>posts a pic of her sitting
okay retard. he clearly doesnt roid
God I want her to break my neck so bad
How don't see how that pic is an argument. Yes, postmodernists are actually that fucking retarded.
you don't know what vegetable means
>rightards hate him because he doesn't preach the superiority of the white race or hate jews
M-maybe if i keep saying that people will forget that my Internet Dad was outed as card-carrying a Globalist gatekeeper
lmao you got me.
>i'm not wrong if my understanding of a word is incorrect
So the end product of Peterson's enlightened philosophy and superior understanding of psychology is an instagram thot.
Why didn't someone just tell him that all women are whores? His wife more than likely had at least one affair.
>self help guru that needed a medically induced coma to stop himself from taking drugs
the russian treatment was putting him into a coma
he had surgery to fix a benzo addiction?
nah, they put him into a coma to pass the withdrawal
Built for BBC
Alright you fucking kikes i'll describe it more accurately for you. He probably was a fucking vegetable at first and now he is in rehab doing physical therapy because he thought getting surgery in Russia for his benzo addiction was a good idea. I know you spend every waking hour inside your house cooming to his blacked daughter, but when playing with a remote control toy is a fucking accomplishment your life is fucking pathetic.
>Some professor doesn't want to call trannies by whatever BS pronoun of the week they want
>This suddenly makes him an expert on everything, retards start treating him as a Christ-like figure and treat everything he says as holy scripture
>Spouts really fucking cringe selfhelp shit about how everything is your fault but you can fix it all with a can-do attitude also somethingsomething archetypes
>"pls dont blame women or society for anything oh god pls dont, they can do no wrong, ive been raised my whole life not to criticize them so you had better not do it either you evil muhsoggykneeist, btw buy my books"
>Turns out to be a retarded druggie with a filthy room and a whore daughter, has to go to Russia for some weird surgery because he can't deal with his problems
>Doesn't practice anything he preaches and his own lifestyle invalidates all the bullshit he spewed
>Even now still has a small group of dedicated fanboys who paint anybody who criticizes him as some leftist/commnunist/Nazi/fascist/whatever other strawman is convenient in the moment
>Whole affair basically proves clownworld
I don't hate him, I think his self help advice is solid.
But he's retarded when it comes to anything outside of psychiatry. He thinks the Freud/Jung style of doing things is still valid, which leads him to ranting about philosophy or politics.
Literally lol. She left her husband, the father of her child, for a black pick up artist lol
I thought that was Daniel Day Lewis